
Ultimate Edition and full update

Ultimate Edition and full update

The new Ultimate Edition of Dead Island 2 includes free game modes, amazing unlockables, and more.

Freut euch Murderer! Das Warten hat ein End, ab sofort ist the Dead Island 2 Ultimate Edition with the absolute VIP-Erlebnis von HELL-A erhältlich.

Sowohl for Erfahrene Slayer and also for Serienneulinge is the last Eintritts card in HELL-A. Die Dead Island 2 Ultimate Edition includes the main game, HAUS and SoLA (the abridged story of Dead Island 2) with stylish and stylish outfits, stylish and challenging outfits:

• Golden Weapons Pack
• Memories of Banoi Pack
• Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Weapons Pack
• Pulp Weapons Pack
• Katana from Red’s disappearance
• All Slayers Premium Skin Packs

To complete Slayer, Gold Edition owners will be purchased, the game will be automatic and free in the updated Ultimate Edition along with all features.

There’s big news for all Dead Island 2 games: Patch 6, a big free update, two new game modes and several fixes included.

The first new mode is Neighborhood Watch, created by Fishlabs in conjunction with Dambuster Studios. Die Spieler schlüpfen in the Rolle der Bobcats – a Trio von College-Studenten, die ihr Verbindungshaus in the Venice Canals gegen unerbittliche Wellen von Zombies verteidigen und dabei neue Fähigkeiten, Waffen und Fallen einsetzen (a series premiere).

The second game mode is the newest New Game Plus, in the story mode’s most powerful Slayer mode, a new Beute, Gegner, a higher level cap and much more to be achieved.

Besitzer des Basisspiels können do Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Weapon Pack directly erwerben, mit dem sich die Spieler mit Zizkas Streitkolben and Sir Radzigs Schwert durch the Zombiemassen hacken konnen.

Slayer, when purchasing the Gold Edition, will be upgraded to the Ultimate Edition automatically from the new Waffenpaket. PlayStation purchase must be inhaled in store before you see the game.

And for everyone, Dead Island 2 has not yet been released – in the Xbox and PlayStation digital stores, a test version has been released, with this man a game session started (as well as Singleplayer and Koop) played, which can be played at the end from the game Kauf in die Vollversion übertragen wird.

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