
Meet the factory manager who runs the world’s largest family care site

Meet the factory manager who runs the world’s largest family care site

Mehoopany Family Care Plant Manager Cecilia Colburn manages the largest Family Care site in the world. She is responsible for 90 acres of machines that produce hundreds of cases of Bounty and Charmin products.

“A doctor once told me that what I do is a lot like managing triage in the emergency room,” she says. “I collect information, process it quickly and make decisions – all to balance safety, quality, production, costs, delivery and the morale of P&G’s 1,200 employees. »

Colburn’s job is to oversee everything from product quality to cafeteria improvement plans, but his favorite part is interacting with different people every day. She uses her 20 years of experience at P&G to help solve the problems and frustrations her employees face.

“It’s my job to help remove those barriers so they can be their best at work,” she says. “In doing so, I learn fascinating things about the unique people who work at P&G and what they are passionate about. I really love having the chance to build an inclusive culture in the places I work.

Outside of P&G, Colburn finds trying new things exciting and enlightening. “You could say I like to ‘experiment’ in my personal life,” she says. “Over the past 10 years, I have downhill and cross-country ski, run a 5K, learn to play golf, hike in national parks and I explored new things with my family. I’m fully willing to try anything once! »