
Arrest warrant issued to stop information and blackmail Kantipur: KMG president Sirohiya

Arrest warrant issued to stop information and blackmail Kantipur: KMG president Sirohiya

Kantipur Media Group Chairman Kailash Sirohiya on Tuesday said that Kantipur Media Group would never compromise on its editorial independence and responsibilities.

On Tuesday, the Dhanusha District Court issued an arrest warrant for Sirohiya over a “citizenship-related matter.”

In a statement, Sirohiya said the arrest warrant was issued in a bid to blackmail Kantipur into not publishing more reports on the issue of cooperative frauds.

“It is the responsibility of the media to raise its voice and demand justice and a fair investigation of all those involved in the misappropriation of the hard-earned savings of over 7.1 million depositors in various cooperatives” , said Sirohiya. “There is no doubt that the filing of the complaint and issuance of the arrest warrant against me without any interrogation was done to blackmail Kantipur into not publishing any more reports on the matter and to divert the attention. »

Sirohiya asserted that Kantipur would not move back an inch to raise voice against wrongdoing in the society, including the cooperative scam.

“Officials who abuse their authority and misuse the police administration to take revenge on the chairman of a media house based on the information they publish should also respond when an investigation is initiated into the individual who came to power thanks to political negotiations which consisted of obtaining from the Attorney General to certify that he would not be prosecuted for holding a double passport,” he declared.

Sirohiya said he was ready to cooperate with any investigation carried out in accordance with the law.