
Kim was shocked by Kanye’s tweets

Kim was shocked by Kanye’s tweets

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From her

Ellen DeGeneres kindly shared two clips from her upcoming interview with Kim Kardashian on Monday: one in which Kardashian opened up about her feelings regarding Tristan Thompson’s “f*cked” cheating situation and a second in which Kardashian discussed controversial tweets from her husband Kanye West.

Kardashian avoided the ugliest parts of them (i.e. the division that West’s public support for President Donald Trump created among his friends and fellow black artists), but admitted that the return of West on Twitter was something he only discussed with her after the fact. . “I didn’t even know he had his Twitter again until I started seeing tweets from other people, retweeting them,” she said. “And I was like, ‘Wait, is this real?’ And then in the evening he came in and said, “Have you seen my tweets?” And I was like, ‘Yes, I saw your tweets.’ And I followed him.”

Photo credit: TwitterPhoto credit: Twitter

Photo credit: Twitter

“And I wake up and I see – I mean, I hear him saying all these things around the house, pretty much – I think what he was saying about ‘really?! the whole thing’ – he was talking clarity and he always talks about how we shouldn’t have our phones on early in the morning and at home when we’re with our kids,” she continued. “Let’s not have our phones. That’s our rule that we really try to follow. So I think he was talking about cleaning.” She hasn’t really elaborated on the other parts of her tweets to DeGeneres (he’s posted more since the recording), but what can you explain in the name of your “free-thinking” husband?

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