
Doodle for Google contest announces 3 winners from DC region – NBC4 Washington

Doodle for Google contest announces 3 winners from DC region – NBC4 Washington

Three young people from the Washington, DC area are now among 55 finalists competing to win the national Doodle for Google competition on June 4.

Google announced the state and territory winners on Wednesday.

Google’s 25th anniversary inspired the phrase “My wish for the next 25 years…” Young artists expressed their hopes for the future through their art. Students in grades K-12 are invited to create their own interpretation of the Google logo.

Arya Pribadi of Greenbriar West Elementary School in Fairfax, Virginia, was the winner from Virginia. According to the Doodle for Google website, his article “The No Sickness Doodle” was about his hope that “no one gets sick and that there are vaccines for every disease that exists.”

Sophia Ravillois, a student at Kensington-Parkwood Elementary School in Kensington, Maryland, was the winner from Maryland. His work “Nature Will Never End” was inspired by his hope to see more places where animals could survive in the future.

Sofia Ravillous was Maryland's winner of the Doodle for Google contest.  His work was based on the hope that nature would survive and that animals could too.

The winner from DC was Maisie Derlega from Jackson-Reed High School. His work “Family Dinner” was inspired by a Sunday evening tradition in his family.

“Every Sunday night there is chaos, laughter and the smell of food in my house,” Derlega said in a press release. “As my life grows and changes, my wish for the next 25 years is that this tradition remains a constant.”

Maisie Derlega was the winner from Washington DC.  His work was based on a family tradition in which his family members ate together on Sunday evenings.

The national winner’s artwork will be displayed on for one day. They will receive:

  • a $55,000 college scholarship
  • a $50,000 technology package for their school/nonprofit
  • Google Hardware
  • Google Gifts

Besides the national winner, there are category winners whose works will be featured on the Google site. Each winner will receive a $5,000 scholarship, Google hardware and Google gifts. Categories include:

  • Planet Award – A Doodle that honors the planet and focuses on sustainability
  • Good Neighbor Award – A Doodle who dreams big and centers his wishes on the local community
  • Imagination Award – For the Out of This World Mind-blowing Doodle
  • Biggest Smile Award – For the most contagious and playful Doodle
  • Tech Wiz Award – A Doodle that highlights how technology can positively impact the world.

To vote and see the rest of the student submissions, visit the Doodle for Google site.