
‘You are hot;’ ATF Agent Questioned About Karen Read’s Affectionate Text Messages

‘You are hot;’  ATF Agent Questioned About Karen Read’s Affectionate Text Messages

‘You are hot;’ ATF Agent Questioned About Karen Read’s Affectionate Text Messages

ARRIVED TODAY. DAVID. JOURNALIST. GOOD EVENING. IT WAS THE SAME TESTIMONY, BUT THE DEFENSE AND THE PROSECUTION ATTEMPTED TO USE IT IN VERY DIFFERENT WAYS. Each side wants to suggest its own motive for why John O’Keefe was killed. ATF agent Brian Higgins says he was friends with John O’Keefe and his girlfriend, Karen Reed. So Higgins says he was surprised when Reed started sending him texts like, “You’re hot.” And in another message, you’re just my type. I was basically trying to find out what the defendant’s intentions were. WAS THE DEFENDANT INTERESTED IN ME? HIGGINS SAYS HE WAS ATTRACTED TO REED, BUT SAYS HE WAS STILL SURPRISED WHEN, LEAVING O’KEEFE’S HOUSE ONE DAY AFTER WATCHING A PATRIOTS GAME, HE SAID REED DID THAT, L The accused kissed me. And how did she kiss you? NOT LIKE A FRIEND. Um, lips to lips. IS THIS FAIR TO SAY? YES. The Prosecution is trying to suggest that Reed and O’Keefe’s relationship was on the rocks as the reason she killed him. BUT THE DEFENSE SAYS REED HAD STOP SENDING TEXTS TO HIGGINS. She kind of ghosted you, didn’t she? I would not agree with that. It was frustrating for you that she just stopped communicating, wasn’t it? NO NOT AT ALL. The defense suggests Higgins felt abandoned and was part of a group that killed O’Keefe instead of Reed. The defense produced phone records showing Higgins called another witness, Brian Gilbert, after returning home the night O’Keefe died. I have no memory of answering the phone or calling anyone back. There was a rumor that there was a plea in the sidebar. LET ME CLEAR THIS NOW. THE COURTROOM WAS HOT TODAY, AND ONE JUROR WAS ENJOYING BEING CHILLED. THE JUDGE THEREFORE TEMPORARILY STOPPED THE TRIAL. They gave the juror water and an ice pack, then moved him to another part of the courtroom. THIS TRIAL SHOULD LAST UNTIL T

‘You are hot;’ ATF Agent Questioned About Karen Read’s Affectionate Text Messages

ATF agent Brian Higgins says he was friends with John O’Keefe and his girlfriend Karen Read. He says he was surprised when Read started texting him like “You’re hot” and in another message “You’re just my type.”

ATF agent Brian Higgins says he was friends with John O’Keefe and his girlfriend Karen Read. He says he was surprised when Read started texting him like “You’re hot” and in another message “You’re just my type.”