
CNN reporter shocked by massive Trump rally in deep blue state

CNN reporter shocked by massive Trump rally in deep blue state

Left-wing networks were shocked to learn how many supporters former President Trump’s rally drew Thursday night in New York state.

More than 25,000 people, including Hispanics, blacks, whites, young and old, gathered in the Bronx to support the hope of 2024. While it is no surprise that Trump attracted a huge Raven at her rally, CNN correspondent Kristen Holmes pointed out the following: was shocking about the event.

“I’ve been to a lot of these rallies across the country, and there are often people who travel hundreds of miles to see Donald Trump and they’re not necessarily part of the community,” Holmes said. “However, one of the things I discovered was that there were a lot of people here who were actually from the Bronx.”

Many people at the Trump rally supported President Joe Biden in 2020, according to Holmes, but expressed frustration with his handling of the country four years later.

“They were very unhappy, particularly with the state of the economy, and they were looking for alternatives, notably former President Donald Trump,” she continued.

Meanwhile, the network’s data expert Harry Enton confirmed that Trump’s rally Thursday night was still bad news for Biden’s re-election chances.

This majority-Democratic state hasn’t voted for a Republican presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan, 44 years ago. Trump, however, is convinced he can change that.

In 2020, Biden won the Bronx by just 69 points, highlighting a significant shift in which party Hispanic and Black Americans vote for. In recent polls leading up to the November election, the president’s lead among Hispanic voters has fallen to just seven points.

“It’s a sign of the Hispanic movement that we saw last cycle, right? Where we saw this even if Hispanics were still favorable to the Democratic candidate In Joe Biden, they were less likely to favor him than Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama every time. And that’s not just where it happened,” Enton said.

A recent Siena College poll found that although Trump is behind Biden in polls in New York, the 81-year-old president leads by only nine points, or 47 to 38 percent. By comparison, Biden won the state by 23 points in 2020.