
How knifeman Samad Ali revealed his own guilt for brutally stabbing his doorstep with the ‘Devil’s’ chain

How knifeman Samad Ali revealed his own guilt for brutally stabbing his doorstep with the ‘Devil’s’ chain

This is the moment a clumsy knifemaker exposes his own culpability for a bloody stabbing with a big “Devil” chain.

Samad Ali and his accomplice Stephen O’Dell embarked on a frenzied attack outside the victim’s home in Luton.

Samad Ali betrayed himself with a stolen Tasmanian devil pendantCredit: Channel 4
The cutler had stolen his victim’s chainCredit: Channel 4

They stabbed their rival with a machete and shot him three times in revenge for a prison attack on Ali’s brother.

This dark affair has now been explored in Channel 4 series 24 Hours. Police Jail.

THE horror took place on Halloween in 2019 when the victim was hacked and shot “under the cover of darkness”.

He was then left in a pool of blood while his unknown attackers fled the scene, subsequently burning their getaway car.

The victim suffered a two-inch gash to his head, an eight-inch-deep laceration to his side and a back injury that exposed his spinal cord.

Despite his life-changing injuries, the victim managed to survive but was unable to speak to police to help identify his attackers.

Coupled with his family’s refusal to help and a lack of witnesses, police faced a mammoth task in arresting those responsible.

But Bedfordshire Police’s major crime unit received a smoking gun when the information they received led to Ali’s arrest on suspicion of attempted murder.

The career criminal was no stranger to Luton police custody, having previously been attacked for drug dealing and violent offences.

But while recording it, the sleepy attacker managed to expose his own culpability with a rookie mistake.

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The night he was attacked, the victim was wearing a chunky gold chain with a jewel-encrusted Tasmanian devil pendant.

This piece of jewelry was torn from his neck as he lay horribly injured on the ground and has not been seen since.

That was until Ali asked if the officers needed him to remove his necklace during his custody check.

He then voluntarily handed over a distinctive Tasmanian devil pendant, which was put in a bag by the officers.

Police then went through her belongings and remembered that the victim was wearing the same piece of jewelry and it had since gone missing.

Stephen O’Dell was also charged over the attackCredit: Channel 4
A pool of blood with O’Dell’s hood next to itCredit: Channel 4

A phone call to the victim’s family confirmed it was the same necklace, meaning there was enough evidence to charge Ali.

While a suspect was expected to be brought to justice, Stephen O’Dell later turned himself in.

As the documentary shows, O’Dell became upset when police told him that a balaclava with his DNA on it had been found at the scene.

He claimed “hands down” that the item did not belong to him, but was later also charged with attempted murder.

Both men pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent in November 2020 and were jailed for 12 years and four months each.

Sentencing, the judge said: “This was a planned and targeted attack and bore the hallmarks of a gang attack. »

  • The new series of 24 Hours in Police Custody airs on Wednesday June 5 at 9pm on Channel 4
Ali was jailed for 12 years and four months after intentionally admitting GBHCredit: Channel 4