
Driver shocked by brutality of DMV letter due to traffic convictions

Driver shocked by brutality of DMV letter due to traffic convictions

A driver took to social media in shock over a “warning letter” he received from DMV.

Various drivers are known to be notorious on the road – and not for the right reasons. BMW drivers have even been named the worst drivers of all in 2021.

However, whether this driver owned a BMW or not, he received a very detailed letter from the California State Transportation Agency’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), which the department “did not uphold.”

User xsporksx took to the Reddit thread r/pics yesterday (June 6) to share a letter he received from the DMV on April 5, 2023 of last year.

The caption reads: “This warning letter I received from the DMV last year. Especially that second paragraph. Ouch.”

The letter warns drivers “with accidents and traffic convictions on their records are at greater risk of causing future accidents.”

It then highlights the driver’s “recent record of misconduct” with two convictions cited as examples below, stating that the incidents put the driver at “an increased risk of causing crashes, injury and death.”

He continues: “We don’t want you to suffer these consequences and want to help you avoid them.”

And it only gets juicier from there.

The driver shared the letter on Reddit (Getty Stock Images/Aire Images)

The driver shared the letter on Reddit (Getty Stock Images/Aire Images)

The letter states that he “understands” that the driver “may believe he is a good driver,” before continuing: “And yet your driving record is far worse than that of the average California driver.”

It says the driver’s record is evidence he suffered from “at least momentary error in driving judgment”, warning at highway speeds it could cause a “tragedy”.

The message really drives home: “Good, caring people who make reckless decisions while driving can cause injury or even death.”

It then offers the driver a “choice” in its effort to “nudge” them to be a “safer” driver.

The DMV offered the driver options (Getty Stock Images/Jelena Stanojkovic)

The DMV offered the driver options (Getty Stock Images/Jelena Stanojkovic)

The choice? “You can choose to prevent further action by DMV by avoiding additional traffic citations and causing no accidents,” it continues.

“However, if you choose to continue driving in a dangerous manner, the penalties will increase and possibly lead to probation, suspension or revocation of your driving privilege.”

He responds: “We believe you are capable of making a change to become a safer driver, but it is up to you to do so. If you do not wish to change, your driving will continue to pose a risk to yourself and for other road users.

“If you want to change and become a safer, more responsible driver, you can. We hope you decide to change, but the choice is yours.”

And it didn’t take long for people to flock to the comments to give their opinions.

U/TheScroboop said: “Dang, your DMV really pulled the dad ‘I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.'”

“It definitely frustrated the parents’ energy. I know we taught you better than that, OP,” u/snowplacelikehome added.

U/TrangerineThing4 commented: “Damn they didn’t hold back lol.”

U/nocolon wrote: “Based on the language of the letter, I fully expected a list like crashed, crashed, flipped a car on the PCH, drove into a lake while Ubering orphans, blowing up a car due to poor maintenance, reaching the speed terminal in a work zone, etc.

“Instead, it’s two minor speeding tickets in two years. If it’s significantly worse than most Californians, I should move to California.”

However, u/10113r114m4 said: “DMVs need to do this more lol.”

So what do you think?

UNILAD has contacted the California State Transportation Agency’s Department of Motor Vehicles for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Reddit/r/pics/u/xsporksx/John Lamb

Topics: Cars, Reddit, Social Media, Travel, US News