
Michigan Lawmakers Consider $2 Billion Transit Bill

Michigan Lawmakers Consider  Billion Transit Bill

A bill proposed in the Michigan state legislature would create a $2 billion transit funding program aimed at building new bus rapid transit (BRT) and commuter rail services over the course of the next decade.

As Brian Allnutt explains in Bridge Detroit, the bill, part of an initiative called Make it in Michigan, would tie transit funding to other economic development programs that some critics say would attract low-paying jobs in the state through tax incentives. “The legislation would extend business incentives that expire next year for another decade, providing $2.5 billion for businesses investing in the state. »

Megan Owens, executive director of the nonprofit Transportation Riders United, said tying transit to business subsidies is a “necessary evil” to improve the state’s transit options. “The new legislation sets aside funds for investments in public transportation, housing and community projects such as child care. Michigan’s transit and mobility projects would receive $200 million annually, while housing and community projects would receive $100 million and $50 million, respectively.