
Launching a Black-Owned Ready-to-Eat Meal Prep Business

Launching a Black-Owned Ready-to-Eat Meal Prep Business

Three former inmates turned themselves into successful entrepreneurs, reportedly launching the nation’s first Black-owned ready-to-eat meal prep company. According to Black Business, Dave Lewis, Jarrette Atkins and Fritz Georges, the owners and founders of MacroBites, started their business in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Their mission is clear on their website: “To promote health and well-being through mental health, physical health and nutrition. »

Open every day, MacroBites is a restaurant that also offers catering services to its customers. They provide free meals to area homeless people through partnerships with local charities.

Lewis, the president, Atkins, the CEO, and Georges, the sous chef, opened MacroBites in 2019. All three men were incarcerated but apparently didn’t let those dark times define their futures.

“Trying and failing multiple times when I was younger left me in a dark place,” Lewis said. ABC 7 Eyewitness News. “But ultimately understanding that there was another way to succeed really pushed me forward.”

Lewis and Atkins took cooking classes while incarcerated. When they started their business, although making money was a goal, it wasn’t the only goal. They wanted to show others that those who have made mistakes can still succeed. They also wanted to emphasize healthy aspects of the diet to help combat health issues in the black community.

“We fell into bad circles and bad behavior from the beginning of our lives. And we were able to come together and grow and build this great business that we have that helps restore the community and represent young people so that they don’t fall into the same traps that we did,” Atkins said.

“Don’t do it

be afraid or discouraged because you may not have it all figured out yet,” Georges said. “Sometimes it can take a lifetime. The trick is to never give up on your goals and dreams.

You can visit MacroBites at 1201 Springwood Ave., Asbury Park, or find more information online through and on Instagram @_MacroBites.

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