
Investment banker caught on camera punching woman in face after Brooklyn Pride parade

Investment banker caught on camera punching woman in face after Brooklyn Pride parade

A wild punch caught on camera after Brooklyn’s Pride Parade has led to plenty of clicks online, but so far no police reports.

In a shocking video widely shared on social media, a man later identified as investment banker Jonathan Kaye punches a woman in the face so hard Saturday night that she backed away and fell into the street.

Another person can be seen in the background of the video, lying on the ground while two people offer to help.

“This guy punched me in the face today and broke my nose and my friend’s (sic) arm, can anyone find him?” the video was subtitled.

“Oh my God,” a passerby says as Kaye walks away. “You’re an asshole.”

“She threw shit everywhere at me,” replied Kaye, who appeared to have liquid on her jacket.

“You are a horrible person,” another man told Kaye.

Kaye is listed on the website of Moelis & Company, a Manhattan investment bank, as a managing director who leads the global business services franchise. The biography states that Kaye graduated from Duke University Law School.

A woman who answered a number for Kaye said he wasn’t there and hung up on a reporter.

“We have learned that one of our employees was involved in a serious incident in Brooklyn on June 8,” a Moelis spokesperson said. “We take this matter very seriously and are investigating.”

Police say no one has come forward to file a complaint about the attack.

“The NYPD is aware of the video,” an NYPD spokesperson said. “We encourage any victim to file a police report. There are currently no complaints on file.