
‘No way’: Reddit user says company wants to track personal phone, internet shocked | Viral news

‘No way’: Reddit user says company wants to track personal phone, internet shocked |  Viral news

A Reddit user said their company wanted to track their employees’ personal phones. Several Internet users have mobilized to propose solutions to this problem. Read on to find out!

Reddit user says company wants to track personal phones | Credit: Unsplash

New Delhi: Each company you work for will have its own set of employee policies. These policies could include certain restrictions placed on employees while working. When you join a company, you also agree to certain terms and conditions that match their policies. However, ideally, no company should engage in interfering in your personal affairs. But this recent post from a Reddit user proves that some companies might be intent on invading their employees’ privacy.

Viral article on Reddit

A Reddit user named BlueSeaChief posted on the social networking site that his company now wants to track its employees’ personal phones. “My employer recently decided to use a new timecard app that tracks my personal phone. Among other things, I’m not comfortable with the fact that they track our phones. However, I’m sure that trying to discuss it with upper management will be met with a “if you don’t like it, then leave” response. I’m about 95% sure it’s illegal. What should I do or who should I call? » says the Reddit post.

Internet users react

The post on Reddit, which quickly went viral after its publication, sent several social media users into a frenzy. Several people reacted to the post and commented on it. “Sounds good, when will I get a company phone?” Bonus points for fucking with them, getting a non-smart phone and saying ‘I don’t get paid enough to have a decent phone,'” one comment read.

“If they want to know when you are on or off the property, they can buy you a cheap phone which you then keep in your office/locker. Don’t let anyone convince you to put this shit on your phone,” another comment on the post read.