
House GOP holds first hearing on why Trump’s conviction is unfair

House GOP holds first hearing on why Trump’s conviction is unfair

The Republican-led House Judiciary Committee held a ridiculous hearing Thursday aimed at downplaying and calling into question Donald Trump’s beliefs on 34 counts. Republicans, once againfound themselves publicly humiliated by Democratic representatives like Eric Swalwell from Californiawho skillfully denounced the unserious nature of the hearing.

“Just a show of hands for everyone in the room who hung out with the criminal today?” Swalwell began by alluding to the closed session with Trump earlier today.

He then turned to the former ambassador to the Czech Republic. Norman Eisen, the witness cited by the Democrats. Eisen is a highly regarded jurist and attorney and served as special advisor for ethics and government reform under President Barack Obama. He also attended Trump’s trial in New York.

Swalwell asked where Trump committed his crimes (New York), where the jury was from (New York), whether or not the defendant had any say in jury selection, and what verdict the jury reached.

“I was there for that. There was a vigorous voir dire. His defense attorneys have been extremely active and, in my opinion, effective,” Eisen said. “They decided, on 34 occasions, that Donald Trump falsified documents to cover up his criminal plan to interfere in the 2016 election.”

Hearings like Thursday’s give Republican officials the opportunity to launch baseless allegations into the public sphere without having to present anything that would be considered real evidence by the American legal system.

This is also seen in the Republican Party’s “investigations” into President Joe Biden, his family and now Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, as Republicans attempt to create the illusion that something untoward is happening to them. arrived. But their fundamental problem is that all the evidence they claim to have has been studied, debunked and I can’t hold on in court.

Thursday’s hearing is the latest attempt by the Republican Party to promote disinformation about Trump’s various abuses of power. It’s also the latest Republican performance of crying about how everything is going. it is so unfair when your boss is a crook and a convicted criminal.

Stacey Plaskett, Democratic Representative of the U.S. Virgin Islands called these hearings are “Groundhog Day” because of their repetitive, MAGA propaganda nature. This one was no different.

Hopium Chronicles’ Simon Rosenberg joins Markos to discuss the “red wave-ification” of the economy and Democrats’ preparation for November. There’s still work to do, but we have a better candidate and we have the advantage.

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