
“The decision regarding the seal is totally unfair,” Basha promises the new party: We will appeal to the GJL, the PD will return to its values

“The decision regarding the seal is totally unfair,” Basha promises the new party: We will appeal to the GJL, the PD will return to its values

"The decision regarding the seal is completely unfair"Basha promises

Lulzim Basha, in a statement to the media, said that the June 11 decision of the Court of Appeal regarding the Democratic Party seal was completely unfair.

Basha says his group of Democrats will appeal to the Supreme Court. According to Basha, the DP seal cannot be attributed to a group (Berisha’s group) that opposes Albania’s western allies. Lulzim Basha also declared that his political party would participate in the elections and that Albanians would have the opportunity to vote.

Lulzim Basha: The Albanians will have their alternative and they will have their alternative in us. The decision of June 11 is completely unfair and we will appeal. We have not yet made a decision on a new party.

We believe that DP should return to where he should be and that DP’s place is in the values ​​he was born with. The PD cannot be against the allies; by recourse, it will fall to the Democrats to fight a battle with Rama. Berisha is not the solution to eliminate Rama. Through recursion, we will ask the PD to return to the values.