
Letter to the Editor: It’s Best to Stop and Think

Letter to the Editor: It’s Best to Stop and Think

The one you’re angry at or targeting

hurting/killing can actually be the one that saves

you in the future. They could also in the future

become part of your family. They can get married

your son/daughter, uncle/aunt or cousin

Only god knows. They may have become your best friend

but you couldn’t wait to see what the future holds

you wanted to take matters into your own hands.

Now this future that could have been your best life

was filled with evil, life in prison and you are

Already dead to the world, no one cares except your loved ones,

Or do you have relatives?

Think about your future children and their future.

What would you tell them about yourself? Who are you?

What have you brought to this world? What wonderful memories

can you share with them?

Have you caused pain and heartache or

have you been a blessing to others? Don’t let your destiny

become your prison. You are worth more than

you can see it now. Your best self is limited only by you, no one else.

You were born to make a positive difference in this world.

Will you strive to be the best you, the best friend, the best son/daughter,

the best aunt/uncle, the best cousin, the best neighbor, the best husband/wife

the BEST you? Stop and think before you take your life

future, husband or wife, best friend, son/daughter, aunt/uncle,

cousin, neighbor. You can always be your best self, if you love and don’t hate.

Love conquers all and God is love. This is what you need in your life.

