
The Universe has a special message for 4 zodiac signs on June 16, 2024

The Universe has a special message for 4 zodiac signs on June 16, 2024

Sunday gently and easily lets us know that on Sunday, June 16, 2024, we are ripe and ready to receive a special message from the universe. When we look at the astrological list of transits, we can automatically tell that four zodiac signs are going to come into a new understanding of something in their lives and that this new way of seeing things opens the doors to more positive energy.

Maybe we’ll have a day off. We may want to lounge around, not do much, and for that reason alone – because we are “empty” of stress – we become vessels for the universal voice that brings us the kind of information cosmics that will help us. Due to the presence of Venus square Neptune in our night sky, these four zodiac signs will know it’s time to “wake up.”

Here is a special message from the universe itself for Aries, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces on June 16, 2024.

1. Aries

Your message for the day, Aries, is to stop questioning your fantastic intuition. You know you’re right about many things, and yet you repeatedly abandon your agency in favor of what others think is best. It’s only recently that you may have let someone else choose what’s best for you, knowing that it’s not exactly your first choice.

Venus square to Neptune makes it very clear to you that this could be your downfall, and as an Aries, predicting a downfall is a NO-GO in your book. You are pure power and energy, and when you give up that power, you wonder why the hell you did it. June 16, 2024 stops that dead in its tracks and shows you that when the question of “who’s boss” arises… the only answer is… you.

You’re your boss, Aries, and that’s the overwhelming and obvious message you’ll receive on Sunday during Venus square Neptune. The universe is telling you to consider what others say, but not necessarily to be influenced by everything you hear. You don’t owe anyone anything on this, so trust your instincts and let them take you where you want to go.

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2. Gemini

When the universe speaks, you listen. On this day of June 16, during the transit of Venus square to Neptune, you will have the feeling that you have been bowing to someone else’s idea for too long and that it is time for you to start to speak and present your original idea. ideas. You are so intelligent and unique, but you hid it for fear of rejection; Sunday June 16 changes all that.

That’s when you start to realize that this life is short and if you want something, you better kick yourself in the butt and go out and get it. It’s time for you, Gemini, to believe in yourself and show that belief to others. You are strong and brilliant, and there is no time left to hide it. When the universe tells you “move,” you move.

All is well from now on, Gemini, as you can use this powerful transit, Venus square Neptune, to your advantage. It is the hinge through which all new things come to you. You are in charge now, and you will do your best to continue on this path. Once you are open to the idea that you “can” do it, you will do it, whatever “it” is. Power to you!

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3. Virgo

Sunday is not an ordinary day for you, Virgo, and the way it hits you is very subtle at first until you eventually “get it.” Once you get it, you’ll feel like a surge of power is coursing through your veins. What’s really happening is that the astrological event, Venus square to Neptune, is working your nerves to get you up, active and moving.

This implies laziness. Or rather a lazy attitude that needs to be kept away from you, in your case. You have become accustomed to being lazy and still, and not only have you noticed it in yourself, but you are unhappy with it. That’s why the universe is focusing on you like a drone, showing you that it’s time to get moving again, it’s time, Virgo.

Venus square Neptune removes doubt and shows you that the particular message intended for you is one that puts you in direct contact with the brevity of life. You need to get off the couch and get into something creative and energizing. This information not only inspires you, but also lifts your spirits. Venus square Neptune will make you feel like a million bucks, thanks to Venus square Neptune.

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4. Pisces

When you receive your special message on Sunday, June 16, 2024, you won’t believe that it necessarily comes from the universe, but then again, where does all the information come from, if not the universe? You will learn that there are powers greater than yourself and that you have full access to them if you want to live a happier life.

Of all the people in the world, you, Pisces, really and sincerely want this happy life. You want to live a life without money problems or love problems. You want the best, and the universe is telling you, through the power of Venus square Neptune, that you can have EVERYTHING…you have to recognize that it’s something you literally want.

Once you taste the power and glory that are rightfully yours, Pisces, you’ll never go back to your old ways. This day of June 16 shows you that you have just as much right to happiness, wealth and love as anyone else here. You are chosen for nothing other than to show you that you are indeed one of the lucky ones.

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Ruby Miranda interprets the I Ching, Tarot, Runes and Astrology. She has given private readings and worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.