
Women’s silence sends bad signal to attackers on buses and trains, police say | Print edition

Women’s silence sends bad signal to attackers on buses and trains, police say |  Print edition

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By Nathara Abeywickrema

The silence of the majority of women in the face of harassment of all kinds fuels the normalization of abuse on public transport, according to

to the police.

A campaign has been launched to arrest suspects who abuse women and children on buses and trains.

Police chief in charge of the Child and Women Abuse Prevention Division, DIG Renuka Jayasundara, said the Sunday Times that from February to June, 34 suspects were arrested for sexual harassment of women on public transport and 12 were arrested for sexual assault in public spaces.

Police media spokesperson DIG Nihal Thalduwa said the recent operation had positive results.

Women face various forms of sexual harassment while traveling in crowded buses or trains. Photo by MA Pushpa Kumara

“The campaign continues and takes place daily in a random manner with a significant number of arrests, although the challenge of covering all buses in circulation remains. Nevertheless, as police, we do everything possible to prevent harassment on public transport,” he said.

Public transport users, especially women, are victims of various forms of sexual harassment, with 60% expressing unpleasant experiences while traveling in crowded buses or trains and it remains a social problem that has not not been resolved despite numerous requests for repair, according to a study. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) report based on a 2015 study.

Most abusers usually benefit the most from a woman’s silence. No matter how many rules are put in place to stop harassment of women on public transport, attitudes among the general public still need to change, said Minister of State for Women and Children’s Affairs Geetha Kumarasinghe.

Although more than 90% of Sri Lankan women aged 15 to 35 experience gender-based violence on public transport at least once in their lives, less than 4% of them take legal action, data shows of the UNFP.

Ms Kumarasinghe said there is no other country where passengers misbehave in public transport like in Sri Lanka. “A violence-free Sri Lanka is far from being a reality due to the lack of severity of gender-based violence (GBV), resistance from women and inaccurate data. Police records only cover reported cases, and many women and girls do not report to the police.

Ms Kumarasinghe said the installation of CCTV cameras in all forms of public transport would be a good thing. She encouraged the Ministry of Transport and Highways to implement this initiative.

National Transport Commission (NTC) Chairman Shashi Welgama said the NTC’s main concern was the safety of women on buses.

“The NTC has received complaints through the 1955 hotline. We always prioritize complaints and take disciplinary action against the attackers,” Mr Welgama noted.

“Every week, the NTC organizes a disciplinary course for around a hundred drivers and conductors. To help the NTC accelerate its actions, we also intend to introduce a mobile application that will allow victims to take a photo of the moment they were harmed and fill in their contact details, as proof if they suffer any form of abuse,” he said. said..

“Our constant goal is to be on the side of the passenger. Those who prefer not to be identified by calling 1955 can email [email protected] or fax directly to my personal fax number on 011 250 3725, this was Mr Welgama’s request to all women who use public transport daily. .

Additionally, a senior Sri Lanka Railways (SLR) official claimed that efforts to reduce harassment of women, such as creating separate compartments for women and children, were abandoned when a number problems appeared.

He said: “On trains, women and children are constantly vulnerable to harassment and abuse. Having a women-only section makes it easier and safer for women to get to their school or workplace.

National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) Chairman Chanaka Amarasinghe said the Provincial Road Passenger Transport Authority, All Island Inter District School Children Transportation Association and NTC jointly organized workshops for North West Province school van drivers and their assistants on child safety. A sticker was handed out designating a van as child-friendly.

“We hope to expand this effort islandwide,” Mr. Amarasinghe said.

The NCPA and Sri Lanka Railways have agreed to display instructions promoting child safety at major stations, Mr Amarasinghe said.

Sajeewani Abeykoon, director of law enforcement at the National Child Protection Authority (NCPA), said that most of the time, women are afraid to raise their voice simply due to a lack of social support.

Regardless of the laws against sexual assault, the subject becomes very sensitive when a woman reports the abuse to the police, even if the case ultimately goes before a judge. This situation must be managed and the public and the relevant authorities must understand its seriousness, said Ms. Abeykoon.

Independent consultant on gender equality and women’s rights Saama Rajakaruna said the process from handling complaints to going to court should be made easier for women.

“Every member of society should create an enabling environment for every woman in such a situation. If those around us act in support of the woman victim, it would do wonders,” said Ms Rajakaruna.

Gender equality expert Velusamy Weerasingham said that while overcrowding contributes to harassment, even female passengers seated on public transport face harassment.

According to him, counseling after experiencing harassment should focus on the victim, helping them overcome the trauma. Bullying has a negative impact on mental health and covering it up only exacerbates it.

Additionally, bullying contributes to toxic masculinity and this should ideally be stopped at the family and school level, by instilling respect for women, Mr Weerasingham said.

All types of sexual assault in public will be criminally punishable

All forms of sexual harassment and sexual assault, including harassment in public places, will be criminalized.

The Cabinet approved a related proposal from the Minister of Justice, Corrections and Constitutional Reforms, Dr Wijeydasa Rajapakshe.

He told the Sunday Times the proposals had been assessed by experts and a legal reform committee appointed by the ministry had made recommendations.

He said Article 345 of the Penal Code provides for a maximum penalty of two years in prison or a fine, but does not criminalize all forms of sexual harassment.

As a result, the Cabinet this week approved amendments to the Penal Code criminalizing all forms of sexual harassment, including sexual harassment in public places. Ever-increasing complaints of sexual harassment of women and children have led to amendments to the Penal Code to criminalize sexual assault and harassment in all circumstances.

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