
Meet the valedictorian and salutatorian of Baldwinsville High School

Meet the valedictorian and salutatorian of Baldwinsville High School

We asked two top students some interesting questions about themselves and they provided answers that shed light on their future plans and unique personalities.

We hope you enjoy their answers as much as we do.

>> See the full Class of 2024 list and back-to-school information

CW Baker High School valedictorian Kelsey Dwyer, left, and salutatorian Emma Huhtala

CW Baker High School Valedictorian

Name: Kelsey Dwyer

Parents: Margaret and Tim Dwyer

Town/town: Baldwinsville

Your plans for the next few years: I am attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where I will study mechanical engineering and play on the football and lacrosse teams.

What are your career plans? I would like to work in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence.

Do you have any advice for first graders? Make sure you take lots of mental photos, because you’ll enjoy looking back on these memories later.

What was the highlight of your final year? Competing in the pole vault at the New York State Indoor Track and Field Championships in Staten Island.

Who inspired you the most and why? My brother and sister have probably inspired me the most because they set a great example for me growing up, and they continue to be my biggest supports despite living and working in a different state.

What do you do to relax or unwind? Watch “Black List” with my mom on repeat.

What word or phrase best describes your personality? Thoughtful

What is the most important or sentimental thing you take from home when you go away to college? Photos of my friends and family

What would your life be like when you were the same age as your parents today? I hope to be married and work a job that will allow me to travel all over the world.

What is one thing you learned at the end of high school that you wish you had known from the beginning? I would have liked to be more present rather than always saying “I can’t wait…”

At least what is one thing you hope to accomplish in your lifetime? Run the Boston Marathon.

CW Baker High School Salutatorian

Name: Emma Huhtala

Parents: John and Kim Huhtala

Town/town: Baldwinsville

Your plans for the next few years: attend University College London majoring in English.

What are your career plans? I would like to have a career in which I can make a difference through writing, such as an editor at a publishing house or a journalist.

Do you have any advice for first graders? I would recommend having a balance between challenging courses and those that interest you, because while it is absolutely important to highlight academic strengths, it is also important to develop interests and talents that can take you far in the life.

What was the highlight of your final year? The highlight of my senior year so far was my boat being on the crew team that qualified to attend the Nationals. This will be my third national competition as a rower, and I’m really excited to be able to finish my senior season racing with some of my best friends against the best crews in the country.

Who inspired you the most and why? My parents inspired me the most, as they gave me access to countless opportunities and provided me with a loving environment in which I could thrive. They are both able to balance family life and demanding jobs, which I hope to do in the future. Finally, they gave me the support and encouragement that made my successes possible.

What do you do to relax or unwind? To relax, I usually read a book, watch a movie or listen to music, especially that of George Harrison or George Michael. Rowing is also a great way to relieve stress.

What word or phrase best describes your personality? Eclectic

What is the most important or sentimental thing you take from home when you go away to college? The most sentimental thing I bring from home when I leave for college is my stuffed monkey that was given to me by my grandfather when I was one year old. I carried it with me throughout my life and since my grandfather passed away, it has kept his memory alive.

What would your life be like when you were the same age as your parents today? I would like to have a successful career and a loving family and I would like to travel.

What is one thing you learned at the end of high school that you wish you had known from the beginning? During my high school education, I learned that my life can find a balance between academic success and pursuing my interests. I began to open myself up to more intellectual experiences and social interactions as my high school career progressed. I realized that the joy in life comes from appreciating family and friendships and pursuing personal goals.

At least what is one thing you hope to accomplish in your lifetime? I hope to explore as much of the world as possible.

More soon

To celebrate the Class of 2024, we will release graduation lists and Q&As with each school’s valedictorian and salutatorian, or alternates from more than 60 Central New York schools. All the covers, and more, can be found on our High School Life page.


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>>A complete list of’s high school graduation coverage