
Once summoned to serve on a jury, consider your duty as a citizen before planning how to get out | Kbvotes

Once summoned to serve on a jury, consider your duty as a citizen before planning how to get out |  Kbvotes

Surprisingly, many people ask this question, and it is also intriguing. If we were in trial, we would want to rely on our peers to serve and be able to understand the procedure, the attorneys’ arguments, the rules, and the jurors’ decision-making process.

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A small statue of Lady Justice in front of the Florida flag.

However, when people receive a jury summons, it is not uncommon to think about how to avoid it. This could be a difficulty, inconvenience and disruption to our jobs and schedules. Yet answering the call for jury duty enriches the judicial process and strengthens democracy, ensuring that justice can be served here in Miami-Dade County.

Serving as a juror in your community is not only a civic duty, but a crucial role that ensures the integrity of the justice system. Your participation ensures that verdicts are fair and equitable, reflecting the diverse perspectives of the community. Your unique life experiences promote balanced deliberations and protect the rights of defendants, making you an integral part of the justice system.

Avoiding jury duty undermines this system, leading to potential bias and a lack of representative viewpoints. Participation is crucial to maintaining trust in the judicial process, as it demonstrates the community’s commitment to justice.

One of the unexpected benefits of serving as a juror is the wealth of knowledge and insight it brings to court proceedings. This experience reinforces the importance of our civic responsibility and allows us to make a difference in someone’s life. Just like voting in every election, the system only works when we participate. It is up to us, “We the People,” to make the system work. If we fail to do this, we leave it to others and we risk not obtaining that diverse and balanced vision which makes the system fair.

So the next time you receive a jury summons, don’t view it as just a duty. Take this as a chance to make a difference, contribute to the justice system, and feel the pride and purpose of serving and participating in our democracy.

For more information on civic engagement and everything you need to know about voting in Miami, visit

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