
John Swinney reveals discounted broadband package already offered by providers

John Swinney reveals discounted broadband package already offered by providers

“This simple measure would have a huge impact in places like Stornoway – but the principle should not apply just to energy,” he said.

“Connectivity – fast broadband and good mobile phone connections – is essential to modern life. In fact, in rural Scotland and the islands it is essential for the future of the economy.

“As more and more people work from home at least part of the week, it’s often the case that you literally can’t do your job without a decent internet connection.

“That’s why, to help people get into work, keep them and keep more of their hard-earned money, there should also be a social tariff for broadband and mobile phone charges. “

But Liz Smith, the Scottish Conservatives’ shadow finance secretary, said: “Everyone wants to see energy bills go down, but the way to do that is not to make Scottish workers pay more and hammer the North Sea oil and gas industry, which would create jobs. in danger.

“This half-price proposal is a lame idea that may sound good on paper but, in reality, it would only see Scots pay even more tax and cause huge damage to our economy.”