
BRIDGES: A message for all graduates of the 2024 class

BRIDGES: A message for all graduates of the 2024 class

My morning commute to work takes me past several high schools.

During these morning hikes, I always glance at the student parking lot and see vehicles of all shapes, sizes, and descriptions. For the seniors in the class of 2024, this part of their lives is now coming to an end.

As graduation ceremonies took place for another year, the majority of high school students were undoubtedly more than ready to abandon their school years at this level. Everyone seemed to be counting down the days, hours even, until their tassels were officially turned.

This is probably the case at any high school in our country, whether large or small. It’s a safe bet that 99% of seniors can’t leave their alma mater one last time quickly enough.

Let it be known that I was part of the 1% who didn’t want those days to end. I’m not going to pretend that everything was perfect back then. Peer pressure and sometimes being ridiculed are things I definitely don’t miss.

I was never the most popular student. I never received the attention of most classmates and I certainly wasn’t the best athlete in school. Looking back, it would have been great to have the highest average, but that wasn’t the case either.

Still, I was smart enough to be able to see the bigger picture. For the majority of my first 18 years, going to school with many of the same people became my routine. It wasn’t always perfect, but I knew the routine and I knew what to expect on a daily basis. Some days were better than others and sometimes I probably wished I could leave it all behind.

However, I also knew (even at an age when I was still learning) that things were about to change dramatically. Although my studies would continue for four years of university, the classes would be more difficult. I was also going away to college, so my comfort zone, my home and hometown, wouldn’t be where it had always been before.

I remember the day before my high school class graduated, my classmates and our parents organized a meal in honor of the event. With the exception of a few classmates from the class of 1989, most were eager to dive headfirst into the

proverbial empty swimming pool that awaited them.

During that pre-graduation meal, I vividly remember a conversion with a classmate.

“You know things will never be like this again,” he told me.

“I know,” was my response. “I know.”

After graduating, several members of my class went on a senior trip to Panama City Beach. We stayed several days and enjoyed the Florida sun and each other’s company as a group for the last time.

I haven’t seen some of my classmates since that trip. Others I have stayed in touch with even though I live an hour from my hometown. Some even experience our alma mater in a different way now, since their own children are students at the same place and walk the halls where we used to be.

I always tell high school students not to rush the end of this chapter of their lives. This will end soon enough, as some will continue their education, others will enter the military, and still others will immediately enter the workforce.

Some time ago, I asked a former classmate what he missed most about growing up.

“I don’t pay my bills,” was his immediate response.

As diplomas are handed out to the class of 2024, I think back to the class of 1989 and their graduation party.

Since graduating, there have definitely been some good times, but there is always the stress of work, paying bills, and for most, having a family of their own.

The carefree days of youth sometimes seem light years behind us and there is still no time machine in sight.

Chris Bridges is editor-in-chief of The Walton Tribune, the sister publication of The Covington News. Email your comments to [email protected].