
Discover one of the newest natural deodorants in Canada

Discover one of the newest natural deodorants in Canada

In response to consumer curiosity, a growing number of brands are offering “green” deodorants without ingredients like aluminum.

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There has been increased interest in natural deodorants in recent years as consumers consider options that are better for themselves – and the planet.

In response to this consumer curiosity, a growing number of brands are offering “green” deodorants without ingredients like aluminum. Tom’s of Maine is one of the companies that has launched a new line of natural deodorants.

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We met Cristiane Martini, general manager of the brand, to find out more:

Q: For those who don’t know, what is Tom’s of Maine?

A: Tom’s of Maine is a certified B Corp. which has been manufacturing natural, safe and effective personal care products for 50 years. It all started when Tom and Kate Chappell moved to Maine in 1968, looking for a healthier, simpler life for their growing family. And when they couldn’t find personal care products free of artificial flavors, fragrances, sweeteners, colors and preservatives, they decided to make their own.

Tom’s of Maine products – including toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash, bar soap, dental floss and toothbrushes – are made with naturally-derived and naturally-derived ingredients and do not are not tested on animals. Tom’s of Maine is committed to maintaining a purpose-driven business and has a long-standing commitment to supporting nature and healthy families. All Tom’s products are cruelty-free and most products are vegan, kosher, halal certified and gluten-free.

Q: What makes it unique?

A: At Tom’s of Maine, our mission is to do good. For real. We’ve made our mark by making great natural products that people use every day. But what is most important to us? For over 50 years, we have worked to make a positive impact in the world. As a Certified B Corp., we comply with the highest social and environmental standards and are committed to making business a force for good.

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One example is that we donate 10 percent of our annual profits each year to organizations that do good in their communities. We recently announced a new donation to Canadian charity Water First. Our funding will support their work to address water challenges in Canada’s Indigenous communities through education, training and collaboration.

Q: What’s new for spring-summer?

A: We have a brand new line of Tom’s of Maine deodorants and antiperspirants. The new Tom’s of Maine line of deodorants and antiperspirants are not tested on animals and are free of artificial colors, parabens and phthalates, baking soda, fragrances and preservatives. The deodorant is aluminum-free, designed to glide on smoothly and stay clear, and is made with moisture-locking, natural-derived ingredients and aloe vera. The antiperspirant provides highly effective protection against odor and perspiration for 48 hours. All products are presented in a modern container made from 100% recycled plastic.

Q: Who is the target customer?

A: Our new range of deodorants is designed for everyone. With gender-neutral offerings becoming more and more common in the natural deodorant sector, we like people to feel encouraged to buy the product and scent that suits them best, and not be limited by outdated notions of scent.” masculine” or “feminine”. We have a range of incredible scents for everyone to choose from, and everyone should choose the scent they like best.

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Q: Are there any misconceptions about deodorant or antiperspirant?

A: A common misconception is that all natural deodorants have a white cast that transfers to clothing. Our new deodorant formula is designed to remain transparent. While people sometimes doubt the effectiveness of natural deodorant, Tom’s of Maine Deodorant and Antiperspirant provides protection against odor and moisture.

Q: And where can people learn more?

A: People can learn more about Tom’s of Maine and our commitment to doing good, for real, on our website:

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