
Ready or not, change is coming

Ready or not, change is coming

by Steve Harrison

Change comes, invited or not; aging forces our familiarity. Steve Lopez, in a recent LA Times column, suggests that growing old is all about managing decline. Some people are lucky and their decline is minimal, but the strongest and fittest among us must recognize a certain loss, a certain change that comes with age. A bigger nose, more wrinkles, that damn middle-aged “ponchon”, all this makes us realize that we no longer look like our high school photo.

And it doesn’t matter how much money one has to draw, squeeze and put away; an 80 year old person doesn’t look 60, let alone 30. There are celebrities who look great as they get older. They manage their decline well. Cher, Jane Fonda and Dolly Parton have become beauties through the ages; but take a look at the old photos and you’ll see how much each one has changed.

Change happens whether we like it or not. Sometimes it’s good. Sometimes no. Our democracy is built on change. Every two to four years, it is possible to choose new politicians who promise a lot and who always deliver less than expected. But unlike monarchies and dictatorships, we’re not stuck with people until they die. At its founding, America embraced change.

Our little town has changed a lot over the years. There is the freeway parallel to Baseline which makes traveling easy, unless you are heading to Pasadena at any time, or eastbound after 3:30 p.m. Beloved stores and restaurants come and go. Remember First Street Bar and Grill? Do you remember the old gas station converted into a mechanic’s garage across from Walter’s? Does anyone remember when Harvard Square Cafe was just a small sidewalk breakfast place? Or Nick’s? Or Griswold’s?

Our house sits on land formerly owned by Pomona College. Padua’s neighbors initially lamented the construction of 10 houses on the land, but eventually accepted the change. I’m certainly happy about it. Below us, Stone Canyon Preserve cleaned up an illegal dump, adding a well-kept neighborhood along Mt. Baldy Road. The Claremont Lewis Museum of Art is a thriving art repository open to all, and Pomona College’s Benton is a beautiful structure that educates students and residents, showing us the wonders of the creative efforts of artists near and far.

I’m grateful for the arrival of Trader Joe’s and Sprouts. Village West – and soon Village South – have redeveloped a formerly abandoned industrial space. I’m excited about the additions of I Like Pie, Crème and recently Insomnia Cookies, all joining the ranks of Some Crust to satisfy my sweet tooth and widen my belt. We mourn the loss of Rhino Records, Barbara Cheatley, The Press and Candlelight Pavilion. New things are coming, some better, some not, and some still promising greatness.

I noticed a few days ago that the Marie Barna mural that once decorated the side of the old Candlelight house, now a new gymnasium, had been repainted. The fresco depicted characters from 30 of the plays in Candlelight’s repertoire. Art and memories have become a blank wall.

Change is the only constant; It’s a trite saying, but true. Sometimes change brings something better, sometimes not. The only thing it does is revive our memories, making us all aware that time is passing and our world is changing. We have the choice to embrace the past or the future, or if possible, both.