
Robert Burale denounces the silence of the Church on the 2024 finance bill

Robert Burale denounces the silence of the Church on the 2024 finance bill

Burale’s statements come amid growing public unrest and protests entering their second day.

In a video posted on his social media, Burale did not mince his words when addressing the issue, urging religious leaders to take a clear stance.

“There is a lot going on in the country and it is obvious that the Church is too silent,” Burale said.

“I know this is a topic that many may not want to talk about. We like to whisper and tiptoe around Church issues, but we make it seem like we choose when we do. agrees”, added Burale.

He stressed the importance of transparency, regardless of political affiliations.

“It doesn’t matter which side of the political divide you support, but the time has come, I believe, to boldly say whether we are for or against the finance bill. I urge every pastor, no matter who you support . or does not support”, » remarked Burale.

Burale also called for a separation between politics and the pulpit, emphasizing the need for the sanctity of religion.

“You should not allow our politicians to stand on our pulpits during Sunday service,” he said.

This call to action aims to preserve the integrity of religious spaces in a context of growing political tensions.

While some religious leaders have spoken of the potential burdens the finance bill could impose on Kenyans, they have remained largely silent on the protests.

He cited potential job losses, rising unemployment rates and higher costs of living as key concerns.