
Solar storm: Stunning sunspots keep exploding, bringing shock and fear to Earth | Scientific news

Solar storm: Stunning sunspots keep exploding, bringing shock and fear to Earth |  Scientific news

Solar Storm Factory! A stunning, active sunspot region refuses to stop, releasing horrific amounts of energy, leaving researchers shocked and awestruck by its explosive nature.

For Earth, this solar storm factory is a big worry, and researchers followed its astonishing journey even as the Sun rotated and the sunspot disappeared from view. (ESA)

Recent solar flares have put the “solar storm” on the minds of virtually everyone on the planet with access to information. The reason is that one of the most powerful solar storms in years hit Earth and even provided evidence before many surprised eyes. Notably, the impact of this solar storm caused auroras to erupt with such force that they even reached areas of the planet that rarely see them. The Northern Lights are fascinating aurora borealis that color the sky in shocking hues that fascinate onlookers. They are mainly seen in higher latitudes like the polar regions, Canada and the northern United States, but this time they have reached half the planet, even as far as Ladakh in India! The responsible object is the active sunspot region AR3664.

Solar Storm Factory

The problem for the researchers was that even after this happened, they had to continue to worry that the gigantic sunspot on the Sun, which surprisingly could be seen even using solar eclipse glasses since the Earth, was very present. and refused to stop his eruption.

Even though the Sun was rotating and the sunspot was gradually moving away, it continued to explode. And what’s even more intriguing is the fact that the sunspot erupted even more powerfully when it was facing away from Earth, as recorded by the ESA-led solar orbiter spaceship, which is on the other side of the Sun.

In fact, the spacecraft recorded the sunspot triggering another solar flare. This was saved as a class Solar flare X8.79. This happened on May 14. This hit caused massive radio blackouts on Earth.

But wait, there’s more.

Great escape!

On May 20, while the Orbiter was monitoring the other side of the Sun that was not facing Earth, it recorded an even more terrifying solar flare which was recorded at X12!

It is the strongest solar flare in Earth’s current 11-year cycle and, according to the ESA, is among the top 10 solar flares since 1966.

Certainly, a great escape for the Earth!

However, the AR2664 region was not yet complete. On May 27, it again spewed out a massive solar storm that, if directed toward Earth, would have generated another massive geomagnetic storm there. However, even though it wasn’t aimed directly at Earth, it still managed to cause a massive radio blackout in North America, the ESA reports.

Never say “die of sunspots”

By now, fascinated researchers had finished thinking that the active sunspot region would ever calm down. And of course, it erupted on June 11! This was recorded by the Solar Orbiter continues its observations behind the Sun.