
Episcopal youth gravitate toward Kentucky Night’s silent “Episcopal disco” – Episcopal News Service

Episcopal youth gravitate toward Kentucky Night’s silent “Episcopal disco” – Episcopal News Service

The second day of the 81st General Convention, June 24, 2024, concluded with “Diocese of Kentucky Night,” during which conventioneers were able to attend various events throughout downtown Louisville or within a three kilometer radius, including a silent “Episco-disco”. dance evening at Christ Church Cathedral. Photo: Shireen Korkzan

(Episcopal Press Service) “You can’t just say disco and not expect me to come and dance.”

After a long day of volunteering at the 81st General Convention, Rachel Matthews, a senior member of the youth group at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Cleveland, Tennessee, did just that. The second day of the General Convention concluded with “Diocese of Kentucky Night,” during which conventioneers were able to attend a variety of events in downtown Louisville or within a two-mile radius, including a silent “Episco-disco” dance party at Christ Church Cathedral, a few blocks from the convention center.

At a silent disco, attendees listen to music through wireless headphones, which, for those not wearing headphones, feels like dancing to nothing. The General Convention’s “Episco-disco” event was a tribute to Louisville as the only city in the United States where disco balls are manufactured. More than 90% of all disco balls in the world are made in Louisville.

“Kentucky Night” also included live music and a talk about life lessons learned from horseback riding, as well as a talk connecting social justice to the church. An LGBTQ+ poetry and prose reading event was also offered. Food trucks were available for people wanting to try local cuisine.

Many young people – as well as older ones – danced and sang around the nave of the cathedral during the “Episco-disco”. They could turn a knob on their headphones to switch between three different music channels. Selections ranged from the Village People’s “YMCA” and Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” to “Yeah!” » by Usher. and One Direction’s “You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful.”

“It’s good. I think events like the silent disco help bring people together in the community and build lasting, strong relationships between youth and adults,” said Buddy Jackson, one of the members of the St. Luke’s youth group, to Episcopal News Service “I like that it allows people to switch between several types of music. If they don’t like one channel, they can switch to another. made the evening enjoyable.

Jackson and Matthews are two of eight members of the St. Luke’s Senior Youth Group who have been busy serving as volunteer pages at the General Convention. They helped set up the Chamber of Deputies by installing all the electronics and installing the candlesticks with the diocesan names. Teens also helped with public safety, check-in, technology assistance, V-binder support and providing directions. Their youth minister, Isaac Doty, told ENS that General Convention is the senior youth group’s summer mission trip.

“The 5:30 wake-ups have been brutal – I’m not going to lie – so it’s a nice break,” Will Mathews, one of the members of St. Luke’s youth group, told ENS. “I’ve never done a silent disco before, but it’s really cool. I like that everyone has their own rhythm at first, but then everything interweaves and we’re all on the same page and listening to the same songs and then go back to doing our own thing.

Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Louisville hosted an “Episco-disco” silent dance party on June 24, 2024, as part of “Diocese of Kentucky Night,” the second day of the 81st General Convention. Photo: Shireen Korkzan

Silent disco parties are not new, but they have grown in popularity in recent years. In February, more than 3,000 people attended a 90s-themed silent disco party at Canterbury Cathedral, England’s oldest cathedral, dating back to 597. The event, which was part of a series silent discos held inside cathedrals and historic buildings across the UK. and in Europe, attracted criticism from some within the Church of England, who described the event as “profane”. The dean of the cathedral, the Very. The Reverend David Monteith, however, defended it, telling the Guardian: “It’s always joyful to see (people) discover this incredible place again and on their own terms.” »

Back in Kentucky, Will Kelly, one of the St. Luke’s youth group members, told ENS that the General Convention was much bigger than he expected. It is estimated that 10,000 people are expected to attend the convention at any given time.

“It’s amazing. It’s fun to be here at the General Convention and see so many Episcopalians, and the ‘Episco-disco’ has been great,” he said. another opportunity to meet new people and have fun, and the wide age range here is important.”

For Matthews, it is important that Episcopal churches provide opportunities and events for Episcopalians of all ages, such as “Episco-disco.”

“I don’t think I would be active in the youth group if we had to be serious all the time, and I don’t think the relationships between members would be as strong without the downtime between activities,” a- she declared. . “The Episcopal Church is a home base and a safe place for me. It’s a good foundation to build on in life.

“The Episcopal Church is a big family to me and I wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world. I love it,” Kelly said.

The General Convention continues until June 28.

-Shireen Korkzan is a reporter and associate editor for Episcopal News Service based in northern Indiana. She can be contacted at [email protected].