
Campaign against “unfair” school bonuses

Campaign against “unfair” school bonuses

A campaign to extend the State Government’s School Savings Bonus payment to all pupils is being ramped up.
Melina Bath, shadow parliamentary secretary for education and MP for Eastern Victoria, said the scheme was “grossly unfair” by providing $400 per student in state schools but “rigorously limiting” it for those independent schools.
She is urging families to support the campaign to expand eligibility by responding to
The diocese of Sale’s director of Catholic education, Paul Velten, followed up earlier criticism over the bonus payment criteria by saying last week that despite strong representations in Catholic education since the announcement in the state budget, it was disappointing that “Victoria is the only state where cost of living payments are not distributed equally but based on which school the child attends.”
He said 82 percent of the approximately 16,663 students attending 45 schools in the Sale diocese were not receiving much-needed support.
The Catholic education system, principals and parents are frustrated by the government’s refusal to make changes, but the sector will continue to work with the government to ensure policies do not discriminate against Catholic school families and is grateful for the support of the Liberal-National opposition. , said Mr. Velten.
In some low-fee Catholic schools, more than half of the pupils were from disadvantaged families, but because the School Savings Bonus was strictly means-tested for both Catholic and independent schools, only a small percentage would be eligible to receive it.
Ms Bath said concerned parents speaking at an Upper House inquiry into education were frustrated with the state education system and were turning to low-cost independent schools.
“Chronic teacher shortages and fundamental pressures on public education have led many families to vote with their feet and send their children to private schools in regional areas.”