
New Dayanus Semicha course offered by Lemaan Yilmedu

New Dayanus Semicha course offered by Lemaan Yilmedu

Have you ever had semicha? You can now take the next step and obtain your Dayanus certificate. Full story

Machon Limud Halacha, Lemaan Yilmedu, announces a new course designed to prepare students for the prestigious Yadin Yadin semicha. This program is ideal for those who have already completed semicha studies and are looking to expand their halacha knowledge and expertise.

Experienced Teaching, Deeper Learning
The course will be led by the rabbi Tuvia KasimovA renowned Maggid teacher known for his clear and insightful teaching style. Rabbi Kasimov will guide students through the entire chain of halacha, beginning with the foundational texts and progressing to the practical application of halacha l’maaseh, with an emphasis on contemporary issues.

The program covers a wide range of topics and offers:
Online access for flexible learning
Study Visualization Packs
Individual mentoring
Guest lectures by renowned rabbanim
Benefits for Rabbis and Shluchim

This program is specifically designed to benefit rabbis and shluchim who are actively involved in community leadership. By acquiring the skills and knowledge of a dayan, you will be better equipped to answer questions, provide advice, and propose halakhic rulings to your congregants.

Successful graduates earn a prestigious Semicha
Students who successfully complete the program and pass the required examinations will receive a Yadin Yadin semicha certificate, approved by a distinguished Vaad HaRabbonim composed of leading rabbinical authorities.

Is this program right for you?
This course is ideal for:
Rabbis who already have semicha
Shluchim who lead the kehillos
Anyone who aspires to become a posek
Anyone who simply wants to learn these halachos in depth for their own needs

Limited places available – Register now!

The program begins on September 4, 2024 (Rosh Chodesh Elul). Although it takes four years to complete the entire program, students can enroll in a partial program of at least one year.
If you would like to learn more and register, please contact Machon Limud Halacha, Lemaan Yilmedu. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your halachic knowledge to the next level. Learn more about: