
Message from the Patriarch of Romania on the occasion of the enthronement of the new Patriarch of Bulgaria

Message from the Patriarch of Romania on the occasion of the enthronement of the new Patriarch of Bulgaria

Patriarch Daniel of Romania has sent a message of congratulations on the occasion of the enthronement of the newly elected Primate of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Daniil.

“In these solemn moments, we pray that the Almighty God grants you peace, joy and abundant help in guiding the Bulgarian Orthodox Church on the path of salvation, to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity and all Orthodoxy,” transmitted the Patriarch.

Read the full message below:

Your Beatitude,
Beloved hierarchal brothers,
Members of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church,
Honorable audience,

It is with great joy in Christ the Lord that the hierarchs, clergy and faithful of the Romanian Orthodox Church received today, June 30, 2024, the news of the election of Your Beatitude as Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. We are fully assured that Your Beatitude will be a worthy successor of Patriarch Neophyte of blessed memory and of the other venerable patriarchs of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, whose spiritual heritage you will continue with fidelity and dynamism and with the same care for the Church and the Romanian Orthodox community in Sofia.

The dignity of Primate of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, to which you have been called by our Savior Jesus Christ, the “High High Priest” (Hebrews 4:14), implies a special pastoral responsibility for the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, especially in these difficult times, marked by numerous moral, social and economic crises and even military conflicts. In the context of the many challenges of today’s world, our Lord Jesus Christ, “the Good Shepherd” (John 10:11), calls all the servants of his Church to bear witness, by word and deed, to the saving truth of his Gospel. Thus, we are convinced that Your Beatitude, a faithful and zealous servant in the Lord’s vineyard, will contribute to the defense and affirmation of Christian values ​​in the contemporary world and to the promotion of the social and philanthropic work of the Orthodox Church.

In these solemn moments, we pray that Almighty God will grant you peace, joy and abundant help in guiding the Bulgarian Orthodox Church on the path of salvation, to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity and all Orthodoxy.

Through our fraternal message, transmitted to Your Beatitude by His Eminence Metropolitan Nifon, Archbishop of Târgoviște and Patriarchal Exarch, we are happy to participate in this great and blessed celebration of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, which strengthens the communion between our Churches, between the Romanian Churches people and the Bulgarian people.

On behalf of the Holy Synod, the clergy and the faithful of the Romanian Orthodox Church, we congratulate Your Beatitude on this special event, wishing you many happy and fruitful years serving the Holy Orthodox Church of Bulgaria!

With high esteem and brotherly embrace in Christ the Lord,

Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

Source: / Photo credit: / Raluca Ene