
Kingsbrook Hospital closes much-needed emergency room

Kingsbrook Hospital closes much-needed emergency room

THE The CEO of Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center changed the name of the hospital, closed the synagogue, razed the parking lot to make way for public housing projects and is now closing the emergency room that people desperately need.

Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center was built by the Jewish community in the first half of the 20th century, to serve Jewish patients who faced anti-Semitism and discrimination at other hospitals. Unfortunately, a new CEO was hired in 2018 who destroyed the hospital’s original purpose and sought only financial gain.

In 2018, Paul Rosenfield He took over Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center as its new CEO. Once he was hired, things started to go downhill. He closed the synagogue and barred over 100 members from prayer. He then turned the parking lot that held hundreds of cars into public housing and homeless shelters so he could take advantage of government funding.

In a blatant disregard for the hospital’s founders and in a clear gesture of indifference to why Kingsbrook was opened, he changed the hospital’s name from Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center to One Brooklyn Health. The hospital no longer has any sign of its former Jewish identity.

The latest blow in a long list of grievances is the closure of the emergency room, which was a vital service for residents, particularly for head injuries. The emergency room saved countless lives and was an integral part of the region’s emergency response capabilities.

Additionally, they also plan to demolish some of their buildings to build additional shelters for low-income and homeless people, and to consider the hospital once again less effective.