


Normally I would think, “Well, what’s up?” But that was one of the scariest phrases I heard in the news this morning, describing Democratic leaders trying to find a response to the Supreme Court’s decision turning the presidency into a monarchy.

How could anyone who has been paying attention over the last 4 years, or even 40 years, not understand that this is exactly where the oligarchs wanted to take this country? They came so close after Donnie Drumpf was elected in 2016, and they were all set to make the big push for his next administration, but he blew the election with his totally corrupt and incompetent response to the pandemic. Now you can see the supreme extremists salivating at the thought of their next opportunity to destroy democracy in this country and hand it over to the oligarchs. They are not going to let this opportunity pass them by!

But Democratic leaders were caught off guard and are struggling to find a response.


God forbid the Democrats ever have a plan.

What is the plan, Democratic leaders, when the hotheads show up at the polls in key states armed to the teeth to terrorize voters and election workers? What is the plan?

What is the plan, Democratic leaders, when the MAGA-Ts challenge every Democratic vote in key states? Is your army of lawyers ready to counterattack every challenge? What is the plan?

What is the plan of the Democratic leadership when the extremist Supreme Court Justices reject all the counterattacks we launch against the MAGA-T challenges against Democratic voters? What is the plan?

What is the plan of the democratic leaders, when the next wave of fake voters are considered as the REAL voters by the extremist supreme judges? What is the plan?

And when the Supreme Justices tear up the Constitution and hand the next election to Führer Donnie Drumpf, even if he loses, what is the plan, Democratic Leadership? What is to stop them? The six most extreme Supreme Justices have shown that they have absolutely no respect for the Constitution or the law. They have no respect for the fact that for nearly 250 years we have held that the President is not above the law, that the President is not a monarch. Yet in one fell swoop they have decided that the President IS a monarch without any restrictions of the law.

Besides, what’s stopping them from decreeing that the last election was “stolen” and that Joe Biden was never the legal president? That way, Donnie Drumpf can make false accusations against Biden without worrying about that little thing the extremist Supreme Court Justices did about presidential immunity.

What is the plan, Democratic Leadership?

You can’t play by the rules and try to win when the other side is tearing up the rules. The democratic leadership always expects the fascist party to play by the rules of a constitutional democratic republic, while the fascist party only plays by its own rules, which basically say that anything goes as long as it wins.

The breathless news pundits saturate the airwaves with constant reports that Biden is incompetent, Biden is senile, Biden should resign, Biden should not run, and so on, completely ignoring the fact that the other guy, Donnie Drumpf, is a fascist psychopath with clear evidence of insanity.

Are you kidding me ?!

And yet I hear Biden’s advisers are struggling to come up with a coherent answer to explain his dismal performance last Thursday. It’s another example of how the ruling Democrats were blindsided by a disaster of their own making. Did no one on his team realize he looked like a reheated corpse before he took the stage for that fake, contrived “debate”? And then, days later, they still can’t come up with a coherent explanation for why he crashed and burned?

Let me help you. I look and sound as bad as Joe Biden did Thursday night when I can’t get my asthma under control. Does anyone check their blood oxygen levels? When my asthma is out of control, my blood oxygen levels drop to 80. Don’t ask me to talk! That only drops my oxygen levels further. Don’t ask me to think! I’m only focused on trying to get enough air into my half-lung so I don’t pass out. And don’t ask me to talk and think at the same time!

WTF, Joe Biden Advisors!! Did you rehire Ronnie Johnson Jackson, or someone else equally incompetent as the White House Physician?? The President of the United States should be receiving world class medical care, and you let him repeatedly end up with his asthma out of control! The reason we know this is because he was perfectly fine the next day! His condition Thursday night was not a permanent condition. It is a poorly controlled medical condition.

Dr. Gupta! Call Dr. Vin Gupta! Are you on the ground? Our president is having trouble breathing!!

But yes, news pundits and some Democratic members of Congress continue to play the game of “Look here, not there!” Because it’s so much easier than coming up with a plan to counter the coup by extremist Supreme Court justices that is about to happen in a few months.


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