
Employees caught having sex in the office

Employees caught having sex in the office

Two insurance company employees face closure after being caught having late-night sex in a Christchurch office.

Marsh Ltd employees made the huge mistake of leaving the building lights on while they literally got to work.

Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting couple, they had inadvertently arranged live entertainment for a bar full of patrons across the street who had taken front row seats.

Many gathered around a window to watch the action, while others filmed and photographed the love affair.

The steamy images and videos have attracted hundreds of likes and shares on social media, but the company is not at all impressed.

“This is not the kind of behaviour we tolerate,” Marsh Ltd managing director Grant Milne told

He said the employees involved had been identified and an investigation was underway.

Several bar patrons said the band even stopped when all eyes turned to the late-night show across the street.

“The whole pub knew and was watching, but they didn’t pay any attention. Afterwards they celebrated with wine,” said one customer.

This impertinent escapade could cost the workers their jobs.

News – February 3