
How to Keep Your Dog from Panicking During 4th of July Fireworks

How to Keep Your Dog from Panicking During 4th of July Fireworks

Fireworks season in New York City can be a stressful time for dog owners. The spectacular Fourth of July fireworks display, which will take place this year over the Hudson River rather than the East River, is often preceded and followed by weeks of extra-legal fireworks displays in the streets, causing extra excitement for dogs.

Here are some strategies to keep your canine companion calm and safe during this noisy time.

Create a safe space

Start by creating a comfortable, safe place for your dog to retreat. This could be a crate with his favorite litter box or a quiet room in your home, says Maddie Messina, a Manhattan-based animal behaviorist who specializes in dogs with anxiety and overexcitement issues.

The goal is to create a sanctuary where children feel isolated from the hustle and bustle outside, Messina says. Adding a white noise machine or playing soothing music can help mask the sound of fireworks.

And if all else fails, try a snack.

“Using something like a high-value chew or a frozen Kong to keep their attention on eating for an extended period of time gives them something to focus on and minimizes stress,” Messina said.

Tir them out first

Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise before the fireworks start and he will be more relaxed. Take him for a long walk or engage in an energetic play session. Mental stimulation with puzzle toys or training games can also help tire him out and distract him from the noise.

Keep a calm attitude

Dogs are very sensitive to their owner’s emotions. Try to stay calm and continue your usual activities to signal to your dog that everything is normal. Your calm demeanor can help reassure him that there is no real danger.

Pampering or trying to soothe your dog can be extremely counterproductive, according to Dominik Feichtner, a Brooklyn-based dog behavior coach since 2015.

“Don’t sit with them, don’t hold them, leave them alone,” Feichtner said. “It’s an understandable reaction when you see a loved one in distress, but it creates an unhealthy relationship dynamic that will only make your dog more anxious.”

Trainers seem to be divided on this point, with Victoria Shade of petMD writing that reassurance can be helpful. Until dogs can talk, it may be best to judge your dog’s reactions individually.

Use tools to relieve anxiety

Consider using products designed to relieve anxiety in dogs. Thunder shirts, which provide gentle, calming pressure, can be effective. For severe anxiety, natural calming supplements or medications prescribed by a veterinarian may be necessary.

Feichtner recommends CBD treats for dogs, which come in doses that are much different than those for humans, to help alleviate anxiety. But Messina cautioned that the effects of cannabis aren’t as well-studied as those of other medications, and advised consulting a veterinarian, especially before using medications like trazodone or gabapentin.

Time marches wisely

Avoid taking your dog out during peak fireworks hours. Walk him earlier in the evening, before the fireworks start. This reduces the risk of him being startled and running away in fear.

Seek professional help if necessary

For dogs with severe fireworks anxiety, it may be helpful to consult a professional dog trainer or veterinary behaviorist. They can provide specialized advice and behavior modification techniques to better manage your dog’s fear.

By implementing these strategies, you can help your dog stay calm and comfortable during New York City fireworks season. Preparing ahead of time and maintaining a safe environment are essential to keeping your furry friend safe and relaxed.