
High cholesterol: Guidelines issued for the first time in India on this silent killer disease, young people especially need to know

High cholesterol: Guidelines issued for the first time in India on this silent killer disease, young people especially need to know

Guidelines for high cholesterol: India is at a very dangerous point in terms of heart diseases. According to Science Direct Journal, India has the highest number of patients suffering from coronary heart disease, i.e. heart diseases or heart-related diseases. The causes of heart diseases are many, of which high cholesterol is the main cause. Due to disturbances in diet and lifestyle, the amount of fat in the body increases. This fat starts accumulating in the blood. This is called cholesterol in medical parlance. A certain amount of cholesterol is very important for us, but when dirty cholesterol starts accumulating in the blood, it is called high cholesterol. Cholesterol is a sticky substance like wax. Once it sticks to the blood vessels or arteries, it does not move from them. This reduces the blood flow in the vessels and starts blocking the blood from going to the heart. In this situation, when the heart does not receive blood properly, it is not able to pump properly. In this situation, a heart attack, cardiac arrest, stroke or other problems occur.

What’s in the guidelines
Till now, there are no specific guidelines for patients suffering from high cholesterol in India. People follow the advice given by the doctor. The problem is that people do not even know that they have high cholesterol. The only way to detect it is a lipid profile test. Every person should do a lipid profile test once a year after the age of 25. On the other hand, if the risk factor is high, it will be necessary to do it more frequently. According to the guidelines issued by the Indian Cardiology Society, if a person has high cholesterol, he or she should first consult a doctor. According to the guidelines, doctors should treat with statin and non-statin drugs depending on the severity of the disease. If this does not reduce the cholesterol level, PCSK9 injection should be given. Apart from this, inclisiran, fibrates, fish oil, lomatipid, mipmersen, etc. are the drugs that are used to treat high cholesterol. can also be administered. However, only doctors will be able to prescribe all of these medications. They cannot be taken alone.

Diet for high cholesterol
According to the Indian Cardiology Society, a person who has high cholesterol should adopt healthy habits from now on. This includes a healthy diet and daily exercises. Fresh green vegetables, pulses, fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fish, vegetable oil, eggs, tea, coffee, etc. should be consumed daily as a part of the diet. Along with this, cigarettes, alcohol, processed foods, processed meat, excess sugar and excess salt should not be consumed.

Symptoms of high cholesterol
A person who has high cholesterol does not notice it easily. That is why, initially, he does not show any symptoms. But nowadays, people start having high cholesterol at a young age. When cholesterol levels are very high, it sometimes manifests itself in the form of a heart attack or stroke. Therefore, even if the symptoms are not visible, people who are at high risk of cholesterol should always be vigilant. People who already have someone in their family who has high cholesterol are at a higher risk of developing this disease. At the same time, people who have the habit of eating more fast food, processed foods, fatty or fried foods are at a higher risk. Apart from this, people suffering from obesity, smoking, alcohol, poor diet, diabetes, and thyroid problems are also at a higher risk.

Keywords: health, health tips, Way of life