
Enrique Molina’s son calls on artists to remain silent after Carlos Massola’s death

Enrique Molina’s son calls on artists to remain silent after Carlos Massola’s death

The son of the late Cuban actor Enrique Molina sent a scathing message to artists who remained silent following the unexpected death of their colleague Carlos Massola.

Without mincing words, Pavel Molina Ruiz The artists were denounced as cowards for their silence in the face of Massola’s disappearance. Massola was known for never being afraid to express his feelings and for having raised his voice on numerous occasions against the Cuban government in recent years.

“To all the artists who were cowardly enough to remain silent following the physical disappearance of this colleague; and you know who you are. Stand in front of the mirror every morning and be ashamed of your existence,” Pavel said on his Instagram account. Facebook profile.

“Know that Carlos Massola is more of an artist and more Cuban than any of you,” he stressed.

Pavel argued that an individual’s political position should have nothing to do with decency, courage and justice. He pointed out what his father, although a convinced revolutionary, would have reacted to the institutional silence surrounding Massola’s death.

“If my father had been alive, even with all his communist convictions and his faith in the false promises of the revolution, he would have been the first to come before the minister to demand all the honors for this great man,” he stressed.

“It’s about having your own convictions, but also having the courage to stand on the side of sensitivity and justice. That’s how Enrique Molina was, and I’m very proud to be his son, despite all his communist tendencies. Massola and Molina are way ahead of a lot of potato heads on this island. Learn to wear your pants and wear your convictions with consistency and common sense,” he concluded.

The death of actor Carlos Massola, who became a thorn in the side of the regime due to his virulent criticism, has been completely ignored by Cuban cultural authorities. No official cultural institution or state media has acknowledged his death.

Amidst the surrounding official silence, the Assembly of Cuban Filmmakers He published a timid text on Thursday, more than 24 hours after his death, deploring the event while using a few euphemisms to allude to the actor’s political rebellion.

Despite the official silence, Massola received tributes from many of his colleagues and affection from the public, who appreciated the courage he showed in expressing his political opinions and denouncing the government for its inefficiency, corruption, human rights violations and repression of freedoms.

Reactions and silence after the death of Carlos Massola

In light of the article, here are some frequently asked questions and their answers regarding the reactions and silence following the death of Carlos Massola.

Why did Pavel Molina Ruiz call other artists cowards?

Pavel Molina Ruiz called other artists cowards for remaining silent after the death of Carlos Massola, known for his outspoken criticism of the Cuban government.

How did Cuban cultural authorities react to the death of Carlos Massola?

Cuban cultural authorities have completely ignored the death of Carlos Massola, with no official cultural institution or state media acknowledging his death.

What was the public’s reaction to Carlos Massola’s death?

Despite the official silence, public opinion and many of Massola’s colleagues paid tribute to him, appreciating his courage in expressing his political opinions and criticizing the inefficiency and corruption of the government.

What did Pavel Molina Ruiz say about his father Enrique Molina’s potential reaction?

Pavel Molina Ruiz said that, although he was a convinced revolutionary, his father Enrique Molina would have been the first to demand honors from the minister for Carlos Massola, emphasizing the importance of sensitivity and justice.