
Sunny Choi is ready to make Olympic history, interview

Sunny Choi is ready to make Olympic history, interview

As Team USA prepares for the Paris Olympics, Sunny Choi knows it takes breaking a few rules to reach the top of the podium. Becoming the first female breakdancer to blaze her own trail, Choi knows this incredible opportunity is fueled by breaking a few rules along the way. Luckily, she’s found a recipe for success, both in and out of the kitchen.

When the Olympics announced that breakdancing would make its debut at the Paris Games, many wondered how this rhythmic and athletic expression would fit in with traditional sports like swimming or track and field. Like many other athletes who have broken the mold for their own athletic endeavors, the U.S. breakdancing team wants to impress the world with their skills.

Sunny Choi is one of the athletes leading the way. At 35, she can be considered more mature than other athletes. Throughout her career, her goals have been much more than just achieving her dreams. Choi appreciates the fact that her decisions have broken down barriers and redefined the concept of a female athlete.

Recently, Choi teamed up with the Incredible Egg to not only highlight her story, but also provide insight into her food choices that fuel her day. As anyone can see, eating a protein-rich, nutrient-dense, and delicious diet is essential not only for maintaining athletic performance, but also for a healthy, balanced eating lifestyle.

Through her partnership with Incredible Egg and their “Meant to Be Broken” campaign, which encourages everyone to embrace their authenticity and boldly “break through” to new possibilities, Choi spoke to me about her role on Team USA, what new breakdancing fans should understand, and a few recipes she uses to fuel her day.

Cristine Struble: Is this the first time breakdancing will be featured at the Olympics? What does it mean to you to represent Team USA?

Sunny Choi: Yes, this is the first time breaking will be at the Olympics. This is our first match, which is really exciting! To be honest, representing Team USA was really hard for me at first because I didn’t really know what it meant. This process has taught me the power of sport, the power of what we do, and how people come together under the umbrella of sport and unity. Even though we are divided in so many other areas of our lives, we all come together for Team USA at the Olympics. To feel that energy is really incredible and I am extremely grateful and proud to represent Team USA. It’s about representing New York City, my communities, Asian Americans, and so many others. It’s really an honor to be able to do that.

CS: For some people, this may be their first time watching the sport. What ideas or concepts should they look for?

SC: I’ll start with a quick summary of breaking. You go one-on-one, one person goes, then the other, and we take turns going twice before the judges vote. Breaking is really a form of self-expression – it’s not only a sport, it’s also an art form and a dance form. A lot of us freestyle, so we’re giving it our all without knowing what music is going to be. For people watching, I would recommend being in the moment and enjoying it. You don’t have to watch anything specific, just have fun, connect with people, cheer on your favorites, and have a good time! One of the great things about breaking is that it’s like a party – we have a DJ, an MC, music, and dancing. I just want people to have fun when they’re watching.

CS: How does your training go? Do you have any specific foods that help you progress? A favorite recipe or maybe a lucky food to eat before a competition?

SC: Training for events like the Olympics, especially for breakdancing, is new. For physical training, I see a strength and conditioning coach several times a week, I dance, I go to workouts, I do hot vinyasa, and I do a lot of recovery work. There is also mental training, where I see a therapist to work on my mental health and sports psychology.

I think one of the things that gives me a competitive advantage is food. I pay attention to what I put in my body because I know what I put in my body is what I’m going to get back. Some people tend to overlook the energy aspect of food, and for some young athletes, it’s a little easier to get away with not having the healthiest diet. For me, it’s about making sure I’m getting enough protein, eating a variety of foods, and getting all the nutrients I need. That’s why partnering with the Incredible Egg is perfect – because food is so important to me.

I have a lot of favorite recipes, but one of my favorites when I’m low on protein for the day is frying three eggs in a little sesame oil. This recipe reminds me of my mom because she often cooks with sesame oil at home. When I started making eggs as an adult to get a quick protein boost, I realized that my mom’s eggs always tasted different because she used sesame oil instead of olive oil! I also recently posted a recipe for an incredible egg ice cream on my Instagram. It’s one of those treats that I make myself because every athlete needs to satisfy their cravings.

CS: Some of your moves that we’ve seen on social media seem precarious, even a little scary. How do you manage to let go of your fears or worries and let the music and the moment take over?

SC: There’s no simple answer because it took me over 15 years to figure this out and I still can’t figure it out. At first I was really scared to let go and that’s something that’s hard for everyone in life. I’m really a control freak and I like everything to be perfect, but there’s nothing perfect about breakdancing. There’s no perfection, there’s no standard of perfection and there’s no perfect way to do a move – you just have to go out there and do it. The beauty of breakdancing is that because there’s no perfection, the best thing you can do is just be yourself. It was a real challenge for me for a long time, but little by little I’m learning to be in the moment. When you’re in the moment, you stop trying to control everything around you.

CS: The new Incredible Egg campaign has the tagline “Meant to Be Broken.” What does this concept mean to you and how do you apply this sentiment to your outlook on life?

SC: The first thing that comes to mind when I hear “Meant to Be Broken” is breaking the norm, thinking outside the box, and breaking expectations. It resonates with me because I’ve spent a lot of my life doing exactly what I was meant to do. I checked all the boxes, including going to an Ivy League university, getting good grades, working at a corporate company to have financial stability, and having plans to buy a house and start a family. Breaking was always something I did as a hobby, but I knew it was a passion and I always knew I wanted to give back to my community. Breaking gave me the opportunity to break out of the mold, choose myself and what makes me happy, and follow a path that isn’t super traditional. The tagline “Meant to Be Broken” refers to how I changed everything in my life to pursue my passion and give back to my community.

CS: Besides eating eggs, what other foods and/or experiences would you like to have or do while in Paris for the Olympics?

SC: Eating is a big thing for me, so I’m obviously going to be going out and eating some great food! My whole family will be in Paris too, so I’m really looking forward to exploring the city with them. One of my nieces is planning a meal in Paris and is going to dedicate a day to eating nothing but bread! I’m looking forward to visiting some of her favorite places and spending quality time with my family. We’re all over the place and don’t see each other very often, so it’s really special to be able to get together for this.

As everyone watches the Paris Olympics, the message these athletes and their journeys have conveyed goes beyond success in the moment. Their pride, determination, and willingness to break the mold encourage others to seize the chance, embrace the opportunity, and live life to the fullest. Ready for your incredible moment?