
Cops Discover Human Smuggling Attempt During Texas Traffic Stop | Texas

Cops Discover Human Smuggling Attempt During Texas Traffic Stop | Texas

Houston, Texas – A traffic stop carried out on July 4 revealed human trafficking involving five undocumented individuals, according to the authorities.

At approximately 11:10 p.m., Deputy 779 conducted a traffic stop on a green Dodge pickup truck for a traffic violation. The driver was identified as Gilberto Isauro Chacon Lopez. During the stop, Deputy 779 observed several individuals attempting to hide in the back seat area, lying on top of each other, a common tactic used in human trafficking to avoid detection.

Deputy Officer 702 arrived on scene to assist in removing five men from the vehicle. The individuals were later identified as Guatemalan and Honduran nationals who were in the United States illegally, according to the press release.

Chacon Lopez was placed under medical supervision, read his Miranda rights and told he was under arrest. The five undocumented individuals were handed over to the Border Patrol and the vehicle was towed by Garcias’ towing service.