
Dr Ranj Singh Reveals Why You Shouldn’t Stay Silent If Your Child Wets The Bed

Dr Ranj Singh Reveals Why You Shouldn’t Stay Silent If Your Child Wets The Bed

It’s not often talked about, but around half a million young children and teenagers wet the bed in the UK. And that number is rising, stopping youngsters from enjoying everyday activities like sleepovers with friends. Determined to help children and their parents, author, broadcaster and paediatrician Dr Ranj Singh has teamed up with Pampers Ninjamas, a pair of underwear-like pants that provide all-night protection against leaks.

“Bedwetting is a very common phenomenon,” says Dr Ranj, 44. GOOD MORNING!. “Many parents suffer in silence, but you don’t have to deal with it alone. Ask for help. That’s why I work with Ninjamas – they make your child feel more confident.”

We spoke to Ranj as he shares his tips for tackling bedwetting, his advice for parents and how he looks after his own wellbeing.

Dr Ranj tackles the taboo of bedwetting

Ranj, why do I wet the bed?

“This could be because children’s bladders don’t stretch enough. If they can’t stretch, they’ll get rid of some of their pee as bedwetting. Second, if your child is producing too much urine because they drank too much too close to bedtime, or their body is having trouble concentrating their urine. Third, they’re not responding to the signals their bladder is sending to their brain in the middle of the night. In children, this connection isn’t always mature, especially if they’re very young.

“There are also a small proportion of children who have an underlying medical condition, from a urinary tract infection to the early signs of type 1 diabetes. Constipation is also a cause of bedwetting, as the bladder cannot empty properly. “This can be made worse by changes in routine. A change of school may be a time when they wet the bed more often. Or if they go to someone’s house to sleep. It’s that unfamiliarity. If they’re nervous or worried about something, it increases the chances of it happening.”

What can parents and guardians do to help?

“First, talk to your child and remind them that it is not their fault and they are not alone. For the vast majority, this is a temporary problem. There is a solution and you can work together to find out what is going on. While you are finding the underlying cause, be prepared. There are solutions to help and Pampers Ninjamas security blankets for your child. They look like regular pants and are just as comfortable as these, which can help them feel a little more confident.

“It’s associated with a lot of embarrassment and stigma – it makes me sad that over 80% of children who wet the bed have never been to a sleepover because of the embarrassment. Half of parents don’t know how to deal with bedwetting, but one thing they can do is talk to the caregiver at the sleepover and warn them in advance that it can happen, but focus on the child. “We’ve created some YouTube videos with Pampers Ninjamas, providing child- and parent-friendly advice on bedwetting and what parents and caregivers can do.”

When should parents see a doctor?

“Current guidelines say that if your child is bedwetting after the age of five, talk to a healthcare professional. This is not unusual in under-fives: it can be a normal part of development as the brain and bladder mature. Beyond five, your child may not have learned how to stay dry yet, but it’s important to discuss this to make sure nothing else is going on.

“If you have tried simple interventions at home that don’t work and it’s new or has been going on for more than six months, it’s always worth talking about. If your child is weeing during the day, that’s very unusual and we’d like to know about that and if your child has any other associated symptoms. Keeping a diary of peeing – how often it’s happening, in small or large amounts, the pattern – is really helpful for us.”

What are your top tips for helping young children and teens manage anxiety?

“Make a list of things they can and can’t change and focus on what they can change. Movement and activity are great ways to burn off nervous energy in children and teens. Get outside and do whatever activities you can. Relaxation exercises also help diffuse that energy: coloring, mindfulness, or breathing exercises.

“If your child is experiencing these emotions, talk to a health professional, because you are not alone in this situation. This is something we are seeing more and more often and it manifests itself in many ways.”

Do you have any tips to help you get to bed?

“Routines are very important for children. Have regular bedtimes and wake times, if you can, this helps your child sleep better. Part of this routine should be going to the bathroom before bed. Avoid drinking within an hour of bedtime and reduce caffeinated drinks for older children.

“It is important, however, that he drinks plenty of fluids throughout the day, as this trains and stretches the bladder so that it learns to hold its pee better. Also think about the environment in which your child sleeps. If he wets the bed, is there anything you can do to minimise his stress? Waterproof bedding, mattress covers and Pampers Ninjamas pants in case he has an accident. Also debrief with him. As part of a bedtime story, depending on his age, ask him: ‘How was your day? Is there anything stressing you out at the moment?’ Try to dissipate that nervous energy. This could have a domino effect and reduce the risk of bedwetting.”

How do you take care of your own well-being?

“I keep it simple and stick to the basics: eat, sleep and move. I eat a varied and healthy diet, but I also allow myself some treats. I love eating and I make sure not to eat junk food all the time, but every now and then, a cake for breakfast is totally acceptable! All in moderation and within reason. I tend to go to bed later than I would like and work quite late, because I have a very busy schedule. I have a wind-down period before going to bed and try to avoid my phone. I have a book next to my bed in case I am tempted to watch something. My sleep environment has what I call “the three Cs, two Ds and a Q”: the place where you sleep should be cool, quiet and comfortable, dark and dry, and also quiet.”

Are you staying active?

“I hate the word exercise – it makes it sound like you have to go to the gym or do something exhausting. I find that as you get older it’s harder to move because life is hectic, your body changes and you can’t do the things you did in your 20s. Dance is my favourite form of exercise. If I can combine music and movement it’s the perfect way to get some physical activity. I became a spin instructor right after lockdown because I love doing spin classes, but I do everything from Zumba to dance classes.

“I like to get out in a green space, put my headphones on, listen to a podcast or music and walk. I bought a house in the north of the country that I’m renovating, so it’s much easier to get out as it’s surrounded by greenery. “I’m also a fan of occasional exercise: taking the stairs, not the lift, and walking part of the way to and from work.”

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What is the key to a happy and healthy lifestyle?

“Manage your stress as much as possible and deal with anxiety, which many of us suffer from. Think about your use of social media: it has positive effects, but also negative effects. I am a proponent of being kind to others and to yourself. Self-care is not selfish, it is about self-preservation and survival. Finally, recognize that we are all human, no one is perfect and the best thing you can do is ask for help.”

The Pampers Ninjamas and Dr Ranj educational content series on YouTube about bedwetting are available here.

The Ninjamas £3.50 discount voucher, which can be redeemed by downloading the Pampers Club app (T&Cs apply), is available here.