
Rob Reiner: Rob Reiner Says It’s Time to Stop Messing Around, Calls on Biden to Resign

Rob Reiner: Rob Reiner Says It’s Time to Stop Messing Around, Calls on Biden to Resign

Hollywood director and Democratic Party donor Rob Reiner has called on President Joe Biden to step down from the presidential race. He said it was time to stop messing around because if Donald Trump wins, America loses its democracy. “It’s time to stop messing around. If the convict wins, we lose our democracy. Joe Biden has served America with honor, decency, and dignity. It’s time for Joe Biden to step down,” Reiner posted on X.

The Harry Met Sally director, a staunch Trump critic, shared his thoughts on social media after the CNN debate. The debate was a disaster, he admitted, pointing his gun at Trump.

“Last night’s debate was a disaster for President Biden. But the choice is still crystal clear: We can choose either a good, honest man who cares about his fellow citizens and knows how to govern, or a convicted felon who will destroy our democracy. It’s not a hard choice,” Rob Reiner said after the debate.

Quoting writer Rick Wilson, Reiner said that anything Trump touches dies, and the fate of democracy in America will be the same. “If the convict becomes president, it will be the last Independence Day we will be independent,” Reiner’s July 4 message read.

Rob Reiner joins the list of Hollywood figures and Democratic donors who have called on Biden to drop out of the race. Abigail Disney, the Disney heiress and granddaughter of Walt Disney co-founder Roy Disney, has threatened to withhold party funding until Biden drops out of the race.

“I intend to stop contributing to the party until they replace Biden as the leader of the ticket. That’s realism, not disrespect. Biden is a good man and has served his country admirably, but the stakes are way too high,” she told CNBC.

“If Biden doesn’t resign, the Democrats will lose. I’m absolutely certain of that,” Abigail said. “The consequences of that defeat will be truly disastrous.”

Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings, Endeavor CEO Ari Emanual, IAC Chairman Barry Diller have all said earlier that they will withdraw their support for Biden.