
New Jersey lawmakers consider banning gas-powered leaf blowers

New Jersey lawmakers consider banning gas-powered leaf blowers

Last week, lawmakers in Trenton discussed the potential ban. Cities and states including Montclair, New Jersey, have moved to limit the use of gas-powered leaf blowers as early as 2023, citing their contribution to noise pollution and emissions. However, the landscaping industry and some residents oppose it, arguing that battery-powered alternatives are more expensive and less efficient.

In New Jersey, where the debate has reached a legal impasse, the state Senate recently introduced a bill to ban most gas-powered leaf blowers for much of the year, allowing limited use during peak seasons. The compromise attempts to balance environmental goals with the industry’s operational needs, including managing the state’s abundant fall foliage.

Rich Goldstein, president of the New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association, highlighted the practical challenges posed by the proposed change. He noted that New Jersey’s climate requires rugged equipment that can handle substantial leaf cleanup each fall. Additionally, the industry contends that battery-powered blowers, while cleaner, fail to match the power and efficiency of their gas-powered counterparts, especially in harsh conditions.

The push to phase out gas-powered leaf blowers isn’t unique to New Jersey. California, Washington, D.C., and several other cities have already implemented bans or restrictions. Environmental advocates point to the pollution gas-powered leaf blowers generate, comparing their emissions to those of a car traveling at over 1,000 mph. Those concerns have galvanized support for legislation to reduce their impact.


Yet resistance persists. Critics say the transition to battery-powered equipment involves significant financial burdens and logistical challenges. Landscapers who have invested heavily in gas-powered machines face the prospect of costly upgrades or replacements. Plus, practical limitations, such as the need to retrofit vehicles so they can charge batteries, further complicate the transition.

Maplewood, New Jersey Mayor Nancy Adams, a supporter of the ban, stressed the urgency of combating climate change and reducing fossil fuel consumption. She emphasized the long-term benefits of transitioning to cleaner technologies, despite the initial hurdles businesses face.

As the debate rages, stakeholders on both sides continue to search for common ground. Proposals for financial assistance to help cover the costs of transitioning to battery-powered equipment have been put forward, with the aim of helping affected companies make the transition.

The battle over leaf blowers illustrates the complex interplay between environmental policy, economic interests, and practical considerations. While the shift toward greener alternatives is driven by environmental imperatives, its implementation remains fraught with challenges and resistance from industry players. The outcome of this battle in New Jersey and elsewhere will likely shape future environmental regulations and the landscape maintenance industry for years to come.

About the authors

New Jersey Digest is a New Jersey magazine that has been chronicling daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.