
Hillcrest Board: Village Considers Funding Large-Scale Water System Improvements Through IEPA

Hillcrest Board: Village Considers Funding Large-Scale Water System Improvements Through IEPA

By Jeff Helfrich, Editor-in-Chief

HILLCREST — At its monthly meeting Monday, the Hillcrest Village Board of Trustees heard an update from Village Engineer Kaitlin Wright of Baxter & Woodman on a number of topics.

Wright outlined potential financing opportunities the village could use for needed large-scale water infrastructure improvements, including a new well, water treatment plant and elevated reservoir. The village needed these improvements to potentially meet IEPA requirements after a recent nitrate violation at its existing well. Wright said additional funding is now available through IEPA, including a loan with 80 percent principal forgiveness up to $5 million.

“That would be a significant amount of money when you consider these new major improvements,” Wright said. “There’s an additional $500,000 in grant funding and another $500,000 for decommissioning the current well. I think it’s a great opportunity. The village could get $6 million in free money.”

Hillcrest’s Priority 1A water line project is scheduled to begin July 22 after contractor Elliott & Wood, Inc. experienced delays due to rain, Wright said.

The project, with a total budget of $1.2 million, will replace water mains along the entire length of Scott Avenue, parts of Errett Road and Erickson Road from Scott Avenue to Jeffrey Avenue, and parts of Jeffrey Avenue from Errett Road to Erickson Road. These streets are in the southern and oldest part of the village. The project will be financed by an IEPA loan that will involve 50% debt forgiveness. The debt service for the project will be $35,000 per year over 20 years.

Wright said the new project plans call for moving the water main along Scott Avenue from the north side to the south side of the street. The rest of the project will remain as planned.

Sealcoating at Hillcrest is scheduled for next week, Wright said. This year’s schedule will include Errett Road, Rosalind Road, Erickson Road, Powers Road and Linda Avenue.

Work continues in the village as part of a state-mandated water pipe inventory project to determine if any of its water pipes are made of lead. Residents were recently sent a survey. The village must submit an inventory and replacement plan to the state by September 1. Residents have been asked to check their water pipes themselves and provide information to the village. If residents do not respond to the survey, the village will send staff to check the water pipes to see what material they are made of.

Hillcrest has 444 water lines that it needs to check for lead. The village has so far inventoried 50 percent of Hillcrest’s water lines, and there has been only one report of lead, which it will work to confirm. Baxter & Woodman will develop a replacement plan in case work is needed.


Council unanimously approved Hillcrest’s budget and appropriations for the 2024-25 fiscal year. The $1.175 million budget includes a new roof for the village hall, a vehicle, a new salt storage building and public works equipment.


The council tabled an item regarding a possible ordinance for unlicensed off-road vehicles. Hillcrest has an ordinance regarding golf carts, but has nothing on the books for off-road vehicles, or UTVs. The vehicles are not currently allowed in the village, but trustees said they are still commonly seen on local streets.

The village will revisit the issue at a later date and plans to review the City of Rochelle and Ogle County UTV ordinances for sources of information for a possible Hillcrest ordinance in the future.