
Joe Biden survives high-stakes press conference but fails to stop the bleeding

Joe Biden survives high-stakes press conference but fails to stop the bleeding

President Joe Biden had some missteps but survived a crucial solo news conference Thursday night as party infighting and a shrinking Electoral College map threaten his path to a second term in the White House. In short, he did well — and maybe it doesn’t matter.

Biden’s first solo news conference of the year came as Democrats publicly called on him to drop out of the race, skeptical that he would win in November and lead the country effectively. Democratic leaders called it a defining moment for the president, and urged people to reserve judgment on his candidacy until after the news conference.

In the first question of the press conference, Biden accidentally referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump.” He defended his record on domestic and foreign policy, however, challenging reporters to find world leaders or pundits who disagreed with his success as president.

“I’m not here to leave a legacy,” Biden told reporters when asked if his legacy would be better if he stepped down from the campaign. He then added: “I’m determined to run … I’m going where we think we can win.”

Maria Cardona, a Democratic political strategist, praised Biden for his press conference. She posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, that Biden “looks and speaks well.” She acknowledged that he had some mistakes, but that he was “a master of the facts” and showed “his strength.”

Paul Begala, a former adviser to former President Bill Clinton, called Biden’s press conference a “tour de force” and said Biden had substance at his disposal. However, he told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that Biden’s style was not as strong as it was in his inauguration speech.

Some of Biden’s closest aides are growing increasingly concerned about his reelection prospects. Those advisers, once his supporters, are now urging the president to consider stepping down.

“He has to give up,” a Biden campaign official told NBC News. “He’s never going to recover from this.”

The concern among Biden advisers reflects a broader unease within the Democratic Party. Recent polls have shown that a majority of voters do not want Biden to remain the candidate, and Democrats have expressed concern that Biden’s low approval ratings could derail other candidates in the House and Senate races. These internal conflicts have created a sense of urgency within the campaign as advisers scramble to find a strategy to help Biden continue.

“I’m concerned he’s going to bring the ticket down,” said Illinois Democratic Rep. Mike Quigley, who has called on Biden to drop out of the race.

Biden’s campaign has identified Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as key swing states that could determine the outcome of the 2024 election, according to a memo obtained by The Associated Press. Those states, which played a key role in his 2020 victory, are now seen as increasingly difficult terrain. The Electoral College map appears to have narrowed for Biden, as Arizona, Nevada and Georgia have been excluded from the list of Biden’s clearest paths to reelection.

In 2020, Biden’s victories in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were instrumental in his victory over then-President Donald Trump. However, recent polls suggest that these states are not guaranteed for Democrats in 2024.

According to the latest Morning Consult polls, Biden wins Michigan by just five points, Wisconsin by three points, and Biden loses to Trump in Pennsylvania.

Joe Biden's campaign and NATO summit
President Joe Biden speaks during an event marking the 12th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in the East Room of the White House on June 18, 2024, in Washington, DC…

Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Ahead of Biden’s speech, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries indicated he would wait to hear from the full Democratic caucus before making a decision on whether Biden will pursue reelection.

Jeffries’ cautious approach underscores the uncertainty within the Democratic Party. While the general sense of loyalty to Biden is real, there is also a growing recognition that the party must present a strong, united front if it hopes to retain the White House. The risk of a contested primary, if Biden decides to withdraw, weighs heavily on the party’s strategic calculations.

At Thursday’s press conference, Biden denied that he lacked the physical strength to continue serving as president. Responding to rumors that he was having to go to bed earlier, he said he simply had to pace himself and that instead of holding fundraisers starting at 9 p.m., they should start at 8 p.m. so people could go home earlier.

“My schedule is very busy,” Biden said. “I’ve been to I don’t know how many 20 major events, some with thousands of people in attendance… I’ve just had to calm down a little bit more.”

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump remains a formidable opponent. Polls indicate that his popularity remains strong, particularly in key battleground states. A recent poll showed that in New York, a traditionally Democratic stronghold, Trump is gaining ground.

“New York independent voters who traditionally vote Democratic, according to exit polls, swung to Trump by a 10-point margin, 43 percent to 33 percent,” Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling, said of the May poll.

The former president’s ability to galvanize his supporters and dominate the media landscape has kept him at the forefront of American politics. For Biden, that means not only dealing with internal party dynamics, but also preparing for a possible rematch against a highly motivated and well-organized opponent.

The combination of internal dissension, an increasingly narrow path to electoral victory and wavering support from party leaders creates a tumultuous environment for the incumbent president. How Biden navigates these challenges in the coming months if he remains a candidate will be crucial to his political future and the direction of the Democratic Party.

In the face of these challenges, Biden has publicly maintained his position. At a recent rally, he highlighted his administration’s accomplishments and stood firm in the face of calls to remove him from the election.

“For more than two centuries, America has been a free, democratic nation. And I’ll be damned if in 2024, just two years before our nation’s 250th birthday, I let Donald Trump take that away from us,” Biden said.

Although Biden has said he will stay in the race, some are skeptical whether that will be an option for him.

“No matter what he does, it’s never going to be enough for the press or for those who want him to step down,” a former administration official told Politico. “And anyone who claims after this that that’s what convinced them he should step down is a coward. If you think that, fine, but you should have said it sooner.”

Almost immediately after the press conference, Rep. Jim Himes called on Biden to step down, making him the 15th Democrat in Congress to do so.

Ashley Etienne, former communications director for Vice President Kamala Harris, also expressed skepticism about Biden’s ability to save his campaign. She told Cooper he may have bought some time, but added, “I’m not sure it’s going to stop the bleeding.”