
LDWF Announces Funding Availability for Large-Scale Alternative Oyster Farming Projects

LDWF Announces Funding Availability for Large-Scale Alternative Oyster Farming Projects

With funding provided by the Louisiana Legislature through the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA), the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) announces the availability of funding for large-scale Alternative Oyster Culture (AOC) projects in Louisiana. This grant program is designed to provide economic assistance to projects capable of producing at least two million oysters per year using suspended oyster production techniques.

Funding may be awarded to any public or private entity wishing to develop an AOC project on land or in territorial waters through a competitive grant process. Projects eligible for funding under the program may include hatcheries, nurseries or grow-out facilities.

The LDWF will conduct an evaluation process to identify the most cost-effective and cost-effective projects. If a project is selected, the applicant will be responsible for obtaining all required permits and signing a cooperative agreement with the LDWF. The selected applicant(s) will only be reimbursed for eligible expenses under this program. Project costs incurred prior to the signing of the cooperative agreement are not eligible for reimbursement.

Applications will be accepted by email or paper until August 31, 2024. You can obtain an application package here or by emailing Patrick Banks at [email protected].

For more information on program details, please contact Patrick Banks at 225-765-2370 or [email protected].