
Two people arrested after giving false names and ages to police during traffic stop

Two people arrested after giving false names and ages to police during traffic stop

A 27-year-old man and a 30-year-old woman were arrested July 7 in Riverside after a patrol officer said he noticed their car’s license plates were suspended.

Around 5 a.m., the officer was driving south on South Harlem Avenue when he saw a car heading in the same direction “with suspended license plates.” After parking the car near Robinson Road, the officer approached the driver, who gave her name and a birthdate of 1993, police said. When asked for her driver’s license, the woman said she had left hers at home and had not provided proof of insurance. The officer also asked the man in the passenger seat for his identification, which he said he did not have, before giving his name and a birthdate of 1998.

According to police, the officer checked the information of the two men in the police database. The woman’s information came back clear, but with no trace of a driver’s license, while the man’s information was not found. After learning this, the officer asked the woman to get out of the car to talk. The officer told her that they would have to take her to the station to verify her identity by taking her fingerprints.