
WATCH: One Of The Greatest Ski Wipeouts Caught On Camera

WATCH: One Of The Greatest Ski Wipeouts Caught On Camera

The best ski wipeouts are the wipeouts caught on camera, and this one is close to the top of the best of the wipeouts caught on camera. It’s not that he flips a million times, and doesn’t seem to be seriously injured. It’s more the way he leaves the ground and seems to float upside down for a good 3 or 4 seconds. It’s beautiful in a way. You can almost hear exactly what he’s thinking as it’s going down: “oh s#*t, oh s*#t, oh s#*t, oh s*#t.”

If anyone ever asks you what it means to point it a little too hard, show them this video. This is what it means to point it a little too hard. The trail givesth, and the trail takesth. So is the circle of nature.

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