
Anita Yuen apologizes for son’s mistake in Hong Kong and China

Anita Yuen apologizes for son’s mistake in Hong Kong and China

Dec 16 – Anita Yuen recently took to social media to apologise on behalf of her son, after 15-year-old Morton Cheung sparked anger among mainlanders over his recent social media post.

The whole issue came to light earlier this week when Morton, who was participating in a Q&A on Instagram Story, was asked by someone if he was in China right now.

Morton then posted a background photo of Hong Kong and wrote: “No, not now.”

The post, which seemed normal to most people, sparked anger among mainland netizens, who accused the teenager of claiming Hong Kong was independent of China rather than part of the country.

In response to the backlash, Anita posted a clarification on Weibo, saying that Morton’s misuse of English words was just a misunderstanding.

“We discovered the mistake in time and immediately corrected it. We also repeatedly insisted on the correct use of words so as not to repeat the same mistake,” she said.

As Morton’s parents, Anita and her husband apologized and returned their fate for their mistake, and emphasized that the whole family loves China, Hong Kong and firmly supports one China.

Morton is the only child of Anita and her husband Julian Cheung.Morton is the only child of Anita and her husband Julian Cheung.

Morton is the only child of Anita and her husband Julian Cheung.

(Photo source: Anita Yuen’s Instagram)