
Hulk Hogan says he could no longer remain silent after ‘shooting his hero’ Donald Trump

Hulk Hogan says he could no longer remain silent after ‘shooting his hero’ Donald Trump

Over the weekend, WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan weighed in on the attempted assassination of 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump. Ahead of his speech at the Republican National Convention, Hogan explained why he supports Trump…

“I was tired of being silent. I watched the borders crumble, I watched the economy crumble, I watched the price of gas, the price of food. Everything is turning upside down. And when they attacked my hero, Donald Trump, I realized I couldn’t be silent anymore. I had to take charge. I had to be a real American, like all these real Americans here and like Donald Trump. You know, I have a voice too and I want people to know that. It’s time to speak up, it’s time to stop being silent.”

During his speech, Hogan cut a wrestling-style promo and made references to his career. Hogan ripped off his own t-shirt to reveal a Trump/Vance t-shirt and said the following…

“What happened last week, when they shot my hero and tried to kill the next president of the United States, that’s enough! I said, ‘Let Trumpamania run wild, brother! Let Trumpamania reign again! Let Trumpamania make America great again!’”