
The intersection of faith and politics is central message of the Republican convention

The intersection of faith and politics is central message of the Republican convention

Judy Woodruff:

I think there is a shift. This was a party, Geoff, that every four years said in its platform that we needed strict rules against abortion. They wanted Roe v. Wade repealed.

This year, as you know, the language has been very downplayed. Donald Trump’s position is consistent with the Dobbs decision, the Supreme Court decision, the Dobbs decision, to leave it up to the states to decide.

And in our discussions with delegates last weekend – we spoke to a group of six delegates from across the country – all but one of them said they were perfectly comfortable with abortion being left to the states. That’s a significant change. And some of them, I know, are individuals – in fact, they told us that they felt in the past that there should have been more government regulation of abortion.

It’s another reminder, I think, of the extent to which Donald Trump and his personal views have injected themselves into the belief system of the Republicans who showed up at this convention.