
Taiwanese fisherman shocked by sudden arrival of soldiers with guns next to his fishing rods

Taiwanese fisherman shocked by sudden arrival of soldiers with guns next to his fishing rods

Taiwanese fisherman shocked by soldiers lined up for Han Kuang military drill

On Sunday afternoon (July 21), a Taiwanese fisherman was fishing peacefully in Tainan, a city in southern Taiwan, when soldiers armed with rifles suddenly lined up next to his van.

The fisherman was sitting in his van, parked on a bridge built over a small river. It is a well-known fishing spot for locals.

The soldiers he met were likely preparing for the Han Kuang military exercise, the largest annual training exercise held by Taiwan’s military and civil defense agencies.

This year, it takes place from July 22 to 26.

Viral video shows fishing spot surrounded by soldiers

A viral video posted on TikTok on Sunday began with the fisherman saying: “Look at this guys… What’s going on here?”

The fisherman slowly pans his phone left and right, showing soldiers armed with rifles lined up and crouched behind the barricade.

The video’s text quips: “I’m just a fisherman, do I really need so many people to protect me?”

He then laughs and says that this is the first time he has encountered military exercises while fishing.

Amused netizens responded with witty comments, such as “You’re surrounded, abandon your fishing supplies!” and “Ready, set, cast your bait!”

Strategic location for Taiwanese military

The meeting took place in Qigu District, Tainan City.

Although the place is a popular fishing spot among locals, it is also a place of strategic importance.

According to SET News, the location filmed is a low-lying area near a military camp, which warrants increased defense.

Han Kuang military exercise

Source: Ministry of National Defense, Republic of China

Han Kuang is historically meant to test the capabilities of his troops against threats.

According to the Financial Times, external analysts said this year’s exercises were moving toward a more serious tone, with Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense emphasizing “unscripted, real-world combat exercises.”

Also read: Deer spotted swimming peacefully in sea off Taiwan in sweltering heat, Internet jokes

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Featured image adapted fromon TikTok